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John Smither - 2012-04-27

Those interested in applying for job at Yuwapat Elementary School in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand should DEFINITELY read this post prior to accepting the job over there.

Let me first start off saying that this post has nothing to do with the children or the thai faculty themselves and *everything* to do with the english director there. His name is M[edited] M[edited] and never before in my life have I ever met such an unprofessional employer, in every sense of the word. He treats his teachers with little to no respect unless you're one of his buddies that drinks every night with him after school. I worked there for a year (my full contract), did everything that was asked of me, taught my children to the best of my ability and NOT ONCE did he say thank you or even goodbye when I left. The man has absolutely no tact and it is truly a tragedy that many brilliant teachers have left (on worse terms than I) because of his undeserving huge ego and utter crude nature with the teachers he hires. Apart from his inconsiderate treating of his employees, M[edited] allows racist, sexist, homophobic, and vulgar conversation to flow through the office as if he were chatting about the weather. I can't even count the number of times my ears were subject to the vile subject matter tossed around the office by his cronies. Thank goodness for headphones!

The children on the other hand were an absolute dream and made the entire, unpleasant experience definitely worth. Not a day goes by that I don't miss the incredible children I met at this school. Again to reiterate ... the children and the thai teachers there make that place magic and it sad that someone can take SO much away from this incredible school.

So again ... if unprofessional, tactless, rude and arrogant employers are your cup of tea, by all means apply for a job at Yuwapat. But if you're like me and require a little respect in the work place then I'd search elsewhere.

Hope this helps your decision! :)

Messages In This Thread
Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- John Smither -- 2012-04-27
Re Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- milleady -- 2015-04-25
Re Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- DCF -- 2016-04-13
Re Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- milleady -- 2016-07-18
Re Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- Alex -- 2016-05-26
Re: Yuwapat Elementary School, Nakhon Sawan Thailand -- Kanadian -- 2012-04-27
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