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Ryan - 2012-03-13
In response to Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea (Kaylee Upton)


Most of this thread has gone in a completely ridiculous direction of attacking the Chinese for some strange reason. I don't really understand how that happened. I am posting my real name unlike the people who are bashing this school. I have worked at Bucheon Poly for almost two years, as has half of our native English teachers and Korean teachers. It is rare to find a large number of teachers who will re-sign with a school. Especially if it's as bad as "Kaylee Upton" claims. When I first arrived at Bucheon, there was an incredibly toxic atmosphere created by the teachers that were working there. Once they moved on, the rest of us were able to come together and work well. Is Bucheon Poly perfect? No. But there is no such thing as a perfect school, in any country. However, we get ample support from our directior and academic coordinator. We've never been paid laid and have always received the exactly how much we were supposed to be paid.

Websites like this can be an invaluable tool for people looking to teach abroad. However, they can also be a big problem when people such as "Kaylee Upton" write false statements for no other reason than because they have too much time on their hands. In all the time that I've worked in Bucheon, there was only one employee that was fired and believe me, it was completely justified. He didn't follow the curriculum and walked out of meetings for no other reason than to try and look "cool." We've also had two female employees that left their contracts early, one because she couldn't handle being away from her fiance and the other because she thought that she was above the work of a hagwon teacher. Every time that one of them left, the work environment improved. A big thanks to those three for leaving. I only wish they had done it sooner.

If you think that I'm a "paid lackey" then you've got your head up your ass. I'm a regular teacher, from the States who doesn't like it when people manufacture drama and lie because they want to bring people down to their level of immaturity.

If you're thinking about working at Bucheon Poly then try out a phone interview. If you don't like what you hear then look into other schools. But to take the work of the bi-polar creator of this thread would be a major mistake.

"Kaylee" why don't you tell and the other people bashing Poly school reveal your real name instead of hiding behind a pseudonym. I have a decent idea of who you might be and if I'm correct, thank you for leaving when you did. Although, it was still a little too late.

Messages In This Thread
Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Kaylee Upton -- 2011-06-08
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Alyce T. Wise -- 2016-04-04
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Not worth it! -- 2016-06-28
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Current Teacher -- 2016-11-10
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- BP Throwaway -- 2016-06-08
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Corea -- 2016-04-05
YBM ECC SSANGMUN SEOUL -- Amy -- 2013-06-12
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Ryan -- 2012-03-13
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- C.Christensen -- 2012-02-23
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- San Migs -- 2012-02-23
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- LucyWB -- 2012-02-22
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- San Migs -- 2012-02-22
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- C. Christensen -- 2012-02-16
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- Here's-Your-Answer -- 2012-02-16
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- MadameSongSangNim -- 2012-02-20
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- MadameSongSangNim -- 2011-10-04
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- asd -- 2011-10-05
Re: Blacklist Bucheon Poly, Korea -- MadameSongSangNim -- 2011-10-21
Re Blacklist Bucheon Poly -- 1664 -- 2011-06-09
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