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Logic - 2011-11-11

I am not sure I understand the point of your post. Clifford Hospital is good, at least in my experience. Clifford school is awesome! I am so tired of this stereotype that ESL is 'crappy'. I've been teaching ESL (more accurately, EFL) for years. It has been a great experience. Sure, there are some downsides, but that could be said for just about every industry. Just because a school makes a profit doesn't mean it is 'crap'. Your argument is weak, especially since you generalize a whole industry.

Again, Clifford School is an excellent educational institution offering high quality bilingual education. The elementary associate principal is a great leader. He and I have had our disagreements over the years (which looking back on I realize I was partly to blame - I have since made efforts to improve myself and I think he has recognized this), but I have learned a lot from him and have come to respect him as my principal. He's a good guy and knows what he is doing. Everyone has room to grow, so I don't put to much weight on a few negative experiences; we're all human and we all make mistakes.

The director of Clifford School is also fantastic. He is always available to teachers and students and I have learned a lot from him as well. Like I said before, the administration is doing a fine job. Minor issues are just that, minor...certainly not worth mentioning here or elsewhere.

Come and observe a few lessons and you will see that these negative posts have no merit. Like someone mentioned before, that is one of the problems with the internet - anyone can post whatever they want, even if what they post is not true.

Go Clifford!!! I love working at Clifford!!!

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Re: Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Logic -- 2011-11-11
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