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Sherry - 2005-03-10

For those that wish to teach in Taiwan
Please keep in mind do not agree to any contract you do not feel good about.

Here are some things I will list out to you and not to agree with.

1. Never accept a contract that wants to withhold money from you every month. (This is Illegal in Taiwan)

2. Do not accept any contract where your employer has the power to fine you. Such as being late for work.

3.Ask if you are living with other teachers. If so find you own accommodations or decline the offer.

4. Ask if you are working at one school or different schools around the city.

5. Do they provide transportation?

6. Ask for photos of your living accommodations, if they do not want to provide photos to you, hello red flags.

7. In general do not take any recruiters bulls##t. If catch them in a lie make them feel so small and hurt there feelings so much, and hopefully they will remember not to lie to you again.

8. Avoid Recruiters in general, Recruiters only make money off of you and don't care about you.
And hassle you all the time about everything.

9. And if you are working for a recruiter, my advice is to you stay there for a short time get your apartment ASAP, and then take their contracts. Then when you get your last pay, ask them for a big loan and walk away.

10. Do not take any threats from a recruiter

I got screwed well, I lost 40000NT


If you have any problems with schools in general or recruiters in Asia and their false promises, please email me.

Please state the problems that you had. Please take photos of the school and the living accommodations and there web address. I will post them on my website and hopefully other websites will follow suit. Lets work together and fight back.

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