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Silver Sedge - 2011-07-06

He should try and negotiate upwards, because you can be sure as hell the Chinese will always try and cut the salary down to line their own pockets.

Unfortunately, this is too common these days in China.
Good advice, and maybe we should add that oral agreements usually count for zero. If it's not on a signed and stamped contract, it needn't, and probably won't, be honored. But even if something's in the contract, it might well still be 'conveniently' forgotten about if it's to the employer's disadvantage. It's then that one has to remind one's employer of what the contract has stipulated in order not to be cheated. But don't blame your school FAO. Chances are the school director is the person who is trying it on. And he's the one who chooses the FTs. The FAO only presents the list of job applicants to him for his perusal. Responsibility is seldom delegated downwards in the Chinese education system. The director is the only one with the all-important red ink stamp!

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