Return to Index › Re Bad Experiences in Austria: English in Action and NETs
#1 Parent grapefruitzzz - 2017-07-08
Re Bad Experiences in Austria: English in Action and NETs

I can’t really say anything about ABCi, but I worked for English in Action for a few months back in 2010 and I can confirm what the others are saying about the experience there. No Insurance, never registered in Austria, one weekend of training, 4-8 week “freelance” contracts, given a plane ticket and a list of school addresses, paid in cash in an envelope, given a room Monday-Friday but responsible for our own accommodation on the weekends, little to no support once in Austria, other “teachers” had limited training, mostly on-line TEFL courses.

It seems to me that they are trying to exist in a legal grey area where we are all on a “business trip” from the UK to Austria to avoid Austrian taxes, but if that’s true, then why don’t they use that money they are saving on not paying Austrian taxes to support and take better care of the the people that they are sending to Austria? It doesn’t make sense.

Well actually, maybe it does make sense when people from English in Action are publicly saying things like “you can only hear so much about how “passionate” someone is about teaching and helping children and young people, at the end of the day, we all know that its’ money that makes the world go round.”

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