#1 Parent English Teacher in China - 2017-06-15

I simply have no idea what AnEnglishGent is talking about. I've worked with AIEP for over a year. I am currently in the middle of my second contract and looking forward to signing up for a third. Every single thing that he's saying makes no sense.

These people have been nothing but nice to me. David, Susan and Antony (AnEnglishGent mispelled the third name) have all been great. The reason that I'm replying to this post is because AnEnglishGent's statement: "If you try and raise any concerns or call them on their behavior they will threaten you" and so forth is the absolute opposite of what I know to be true. Any time I've run into any difficulty or been uncomfortable about something, I was able to contact them directly to discuss it. And they've shown a genuine interest in anything I've had to say. So far, with requests that I've made of the management team here, they've been responsive, compromising, and completely fair.

I can't imagine how AnEnglishGent had any difficulty with these people. Everything he said isn't true. So let me go through them.

1. They've completely honored their contracts with me. This simply isn't true.
2. Saying they don't support you is one of the most absurd things that AnEnglishGent had to say. They have a team of Teaching Assistants who are absolute angels to the foreign teachers here. They help us with everything. And you'd have to be a complete jerk to not get along with them. And on a whole bunch of occasions, the management team personally helped me themselves. His statement here is completely ridiculous.
3. They've never lied to me about anything. I wouldn't be writing this post if they had.
4. They pay me. They help me. They're nice to me. They don't exploit me at all. I feel 100% secure working for them.
5. They're a business. Of course, they have to make money. But they truly care about their team too. And the only thing they ask of us is that we do our jobs. And they've always made me feel completely appreciated.

Okay, so stop and think about this. Anyplace that I've ever worked has had a group of employees. Some are happy. And some aren't. That's true everywhere. But unfortunately, the unhappy ones are usually the ones who talk the most loudly and frequently. AIEP isn't any different. Now, all the people that I've met have been happy. But I haven't met everyone. So I'm not surprised to find someone like AnEnglishGent who apparently has some sort of ax to grind. So perhaps it's okay for him to complain a bit.

But it's not okay for him to say things that I know aren't true. Now I don't know this guy. So I have no idea what his experience was. But the things he said here don't make any sense. They are the opposite of what has happened to me and the people I know. That's the reason I'm writing this.

So if you're considering working for AIEP then go ahead and do it. They're very nice people. And they've been honest and fair with me. And I've had a lot of fun here, too. I've had an excellent experience working with them.

AnEnglishGent - 2016-07-08

I DO NOT recommend working with AIEP from Beijing. I have absolutely nothing positive to say about the management team of David, Susan and Anthony. They are a small time operation who have no affiliation with Australia and operate out of a small office in Beijing. From the very first day I arrived in Beijing, they lied and acted very unprofessionally. If you try and raise any concerns or call them on their behavior they will threaten you and hide behind their own farcical notion of “Chinese Law”.

Reasons not to work with AIEP:

1. Contracts are worth nothing.
2. There is very little support for teachers.
3. They will lie and cheat to the point of absurdity.
4. You will be exploited and have no security.
5. Their ONLY interest is money.

They are a company to avoid.


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