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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-09-15
Re Physical

What point? Ending with a hot potato like that one is a bit weird.Whats wrong with americans, do you like starting fights as a hobby?!

#2 Parent Eslguy - 2015-09-15
Re Physical

Yes, I want to leave. Denver is a pompous, overrated, overpriced, brainwashed city full of clones. There was s nothing special about this place.

But, that is not the point. The topic/issue has been settled.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-09-15
Re Physical

So you want to leave one of the most liveable cities in the US to come to polluted Shanghai?

Rent may cost more in the US, I would say try Taiwan, there is too much anti americanism in China at the moment . Good luck.

#4 Parent Eslguy - 2015-09-14
Re Physical

Ok, thank you for the replies.

I guess I am not coming to China, as I simply am not going to pay that money...(here in the States).

But, seeing as how Shanghai has relaxed the L to Z visa, I can come in and get the physical.

I know it is what it is mainly where I live (Denver...shit town). I thought perhaps $350.


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