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#1 Parent Jebadiah - 2015-09-08
Re Is American Baby International English legit?

Within a few hours this post will be responded to with harsh criticism from many of the people who frequent this website daily, none of who have worked for ABIE. They will tell you it is a shit language mill and all training centers are evil. I would do you due diligence, find out exactly what city the school is in. If they tell you a big city ask for the exact address of the school to make sure you know where you are going. Then ask to speak to people who currently work there. If you ask for old teachers they will be selective of who you speak to. Ask for all the current staff. Most training centers wont have too many foreigners working there at one time anyway.

How much are they offering you. Don't take less than 12k after tax, with apt and z visa provided. As I said don't let those on this website discourage you. However, please make sure you don't get screwed either. 12k minimum. Don't accept any 9k 10 k bs. Office hours are a joke too. You should only be expected to come in 30 minutes before a class. Try and get 2 days off as well.

#2 Parent Lewis Thomas - 2015-09-07
Re Is American Baby International English legit?

Hi, yes it's a legit school depending on which school you received the offer from. Some ABIE schools have been blacklisted but it depends on which city it's in. Abie seems to lack good curriculum and course materials. Most emphasis on phonetics so a lot of TPR and ah oh eeh....

Get your dancing shoes on!

Ladybug - 2015-08-18
Is American Baby International English legit?

Hi all,

I just got an offer from ABIE about a job. I can't find much information online about them, so anything would be helpful. Reviews, opinions, comforting words about how it's not a scam...


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