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Of my last 6 months spent in China; only 5 weeks of such can I say was 'positive' and this is because I was enjoying the opportunity to teach middle school in Sichuan province. I have also sent the following letter (see below) to various government entities--both in the USA and in Britian--in order to WARN their respective citizens about the horrible mistreatment and discrimination faced toward DISABLED FOREIGNERS (no matter how 'small' the disability is). If the teacher or individual is not 100% in the eyes of the Chinese; then that person is deemed to be 'not good enough' to teach or work anywhere in China. Such a horrible though process starts at the top and trickles down to the others (such as company officials). The letter (which was composed on July 8, 2015) follows:


I am aware that as a U.S. Citizen; every country has it's own laws and interpretations of such and that such may be extremely different than what I am used to. However, I was quite stunned to personally experience such reprehensible behavior and treatment (and I have 20+ years of working experience; mostly in the business arena). Please allow me to share the difficulties encountered since my arrival in China in February of 2015; when I was scheduled to start working (per recruitment) as a Foreign Language (English) teacher:

The company that recruited me to China; upon finally meeting me in person (as compared to our 2 Skype interviews), they immediately informed me that “I cannot teach English” and that “it is illegal for me to work in China” due to my disability (in addition to also calling me a liar). Why did they say this? Because they noticed my prosthetic hand (which looks just like my other hand).

I was stunned to be attacked with such information. I then informed the company that I was hired to teach English—not Physical Education—and therefore I was going nowhere. I came to teach and that is what I intended to do.

After 24 hours of back-and-forth; they sent me to a school in Sichuan Province (which was a 5 hour bus ride from Chengdu). I taught at that school for approximately 4 weeks—and was even informed by the agency that caused all of the outrageous problems—that I was a success at the school.

After being re-called to Chengdu; the relationship between the agency and myself turned hostile. I wrote to the US Embassy, the Office of the Ministry of Education in Beijing and finally went to the Public Safety Bureau (PSB), where they were able to resolve the differences between the recruitment agency and myself. In essence; the PSB informed the agency that—as long as I was still on their payroll and until the agency paid me all of the money owed me—that I was still their employee and therefore they were still responsible for paying all of my fees (such as hotel cost).

About 3 weeks later; I was offered a 1-year contract to teach English in Shenzhen (which I accepted and was then informed that the school was in Ningbo). The recruitment agency is based in Hangzhou. Not long afterward, I was also offered the chance to teach summer school (through the same agency); at a school in Ningbo. I was very happy to be accepted for my knowledge base and was even more happy to be able to contribute my skills to the students. Unfortunately; I was fired from the school in Ningbo before I even arrived to begin (which was scheduled for July 1).

Before leaving the hotel to head to the train station (to catch the train to Ningbo), the recruitment agency (Hangzhou Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network) informed me that the school had called and requested that I “not come” and that they send “another” teacher. I was informed that the reasoning was because of the “hand” issue. Again I was shocked but not surprised.

To make matters worse; the next morning (July 2) while at the company apartment in Hangzhou, the recruitment agency stopped by with my contract cancellation/termination papers in their hand. The agency's reason for terminating my contract was the same reason that the school gave: my hand.
Not only was I shocked but now I was extremely angry.

In a letter that the director of the agency sent to my email; he tried to blame me as to the reason for the schools firing me (along with his agency's cancellation of my contract).

To add insult to injury; while visiting Vietnam 3 weeks earlier, I was offered a job to teach English on a part-time basis (for summer school), with the opportunity of working full-time when the fall semester started. I turned the offer down! Why? Because I made a promise—weeks earlier—to accept the position in China. Now, as of today's date and thanks to the outrageous policies and belief system here in China, I am out of both jobs.

Not only am I out of a job but I am also out of a lot of money. I decided to remain in China after signing that contract in early about 8 weeks ago (lodging, food, bus and train fare to Vietnam, visa fees and other costs). The recruitment agency first said that it was my problem and that they were not responsible for my costs. I was not happy and informed them that because of their actions; they are responsible for reimbursing me.

Finally; they agreed to reimburse me for some of my expenses (as long as I had receipts); but it was no where near the amount that I actually paid. There was no reason for me to keep receipts from 7 weeks earlier; because I had planned on starting the teaching assignment (and never thought that this would happen). Even though I entered into a signed contract with them at their office 9 days ago, they stated that they could not give me my copy because it had not yet been “stamped.” I still do not have it and since I am no longer with the agency; will not get it.

Thank you in advance for reviewing the information.

Messages In This Thread
Mistreatment and derision of disabled foreign teachers and workers by both schools & recruiters in China -- ANTONIO HARRISON -- 2015-08-02
Re Mistreatment and derision of disabled foreign teachers and workers by both schools & recruiters in China -- ROXYINCHINA -- 2015-08-02
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