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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-03
Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

One young lady assured me: "We spoke to our head Chinese teacher, he told us that this was normal behavior for Western teachers."

Yeah, and like some chinese young tart or chinese head teacher would know 4/5ths of sod all about the West or Westerners.

Most are not interested in anything foreign at all, so how the hell would they know what is "normal behavior" for Western Teachers. Also it is better not to stereotype, there are some Western Teachers who are far more qualified than the chinese english teachers, some of whom many even have fake degrees, but when you are in a country where a major airline has FAKE airline pilots who submitted FAKE resumes, then nothing surprises me.

#2 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-02
Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

In my last university where my ex-girlfriend broke into my apartment and stole everything of value, I was sacked within hours and asked to leave my apartment within hours. This is total disrespect for us foreign teachers, and it seems us foreign teachers are not allowed to have a personal life here in China whatsoever.

Am I right in saying you are a married man? I think it said so in your resume. You may well be correct about not having a personal life in China. However, your personal life outside China could be adversely affected if your better half gets to know about your ex-girlfriend in China. Take care, prof!

#3 Parent Stazz - 2015-07-02
Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

Dr Mervyn J Edwards, known to his friends and students as 'Ozzie', was literate (sic) before stumbling across the Plus One program that made him, as his students call him an academic genius.

Published by Olympia Publishers, a self-publishing press.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2015-07-02
Re: Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

Martin, you just posted the best post I ever read on this forum. Ever.

#5 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-02
Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

Ozzie, you're killing me.

'We' foreign teachers are such victims.

At my last university employer in China we had an American guy in his 40s who would sit in the classroom, smoking, often in tears, sharing the misfortunes of his life. Any western person who met him would recognize immediately that he was a rehab veteran who was off his meds.

Chinese FAO departments are unfortunately unable to make those observations during their Skype interviews.

His students, when I asked them their thoughts, were torn between compassion and revulsion. One young lady assured me: "We spoke to our head Chinese teacher, he told us that this was normal behavior for Western teachers."

Ozzie, I'm sure you vividly remember your PhD thesis defense and the smiling faces on the Kingsbridge University dais as you excepted your credentials -
Dr Mervyn J Edwards, known to his friends and students as 'Ozzie', was literate (sic) before stumbling across the Plus One program that made him, as his students call him an academic genius.

I'm sure this forum has many sympathizers and prospective buyers who feel similarly distressed by China's lack of enthusiasm for their genius.

Minus one.

#6 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-02
Re My former school wants me to do extra work.

This is the first time that anything like this has ever happened to me - meaning a serious conflict like this stabbing. It seems that in every school no matter what level it is, if there is a dispute involving a foreign teacher; then the school removes the foreign teacher regardless whether the foreign teacher is right or wrong. In my last university where my ex-girlfriend broke into my apartment and stole everything of value, I was sacked within hours and asked to leave my apartment within hours. This is total disrespect for us foreign teachers, and it seems us foreign teachers are not allowed to have a personal life here in China whatsoever.

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