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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-19
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Thank you!!

#2 Parent The Truth - 2015-07-19
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou you wish, sir.

I was looking to fill out the details of yet another "Chinese Story".

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-19
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I won't go into this, because I promised another poster on these boards I would let it go.

Please, respectfully, can we just drop this.

#4 Parent The Truth - 2015-07-18
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

San Migs, you mention many times here about not being able to get work, spending years volunteering and getting a derisory 14 day visa and told to clear out of China.

"I asked for one email, which I have now let go, the past is the past, instead I got accused of being a criminal, having no pension, and being a spy."

I am unclear - you asked for one email as a reference from a former employer or co-worker?

Who accused you of being a criminal, having no pension, and being a spy? Your school? Director?

Which year that happen?

If I may ask...

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-15
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

This Guangzhou college of Commerce is one university to stay well clear of guys there are
nothing but liars and backstabbing arsehole.

That is not only guangzhou, but China as an entity.

#6 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-14
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Just an up date about this Guangzhou college of Commerce university. According to their contract they are to pay every foreign teacher for June and July salary PLUS a half yearly bonus of 5000. However they don't honour their contract at all, all they are paying is just June's salary for July. Also they agreed to pay me one month's salary compensation for getting stabbed at their college, this also they refused to pay as well. So that means I'm out of pocket by the sum of almost 30,000

This Guangzhou college of Commerce is one university to stay well clear of guys there are nothing but liars and backstabbing arsehole.

#7 Parent Teacher Bob - 2015-07-06
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

This story is not reported properly. "Professor Ozzie" -Mervyn J. Edwards is a fraud. His "degrees" come from online stores, not from universities-this is triple confirmed with official government websites and staff. Edwards has a criminal background and no education. He has been fired from several universities in China for breaking laws and rules. He tried to buy a young girl in a recent firing and was expelled for "immorality". He is totally and utterly insane, claiming that he is an English prince who is not subject to any laws of China. He claims that he can call the queen and arrange for a firing squad for his enemies, and so on. Edwards claims to be a genius but after perhaps 7 years in China he cannot even handle his numbers in Chinese. He shows no indication of higher levels of intelligence whatsoever but he is not stupid-he is a high functioning sociopath and psychopath. Edwards proudly and publicly proclaims that he is writing two books about "psychopathic killers", a subject which he is very proud to enjoy and relish.

Edwards uses his class time to preach war, violence, killing, and hatred of Americans. Edwards claims that there is now a nuclear war in effect caused by Americans. Edwards uses banned videos in his classes to preach war and death, calling it "world peace". Edwards believes that his "wife" is unable to get supplies and gas dues to the war caused by Americans. The "wife" is a woman in the Philippines not actually married to Edwards. Edwards was arrested in the airport trying to force air carriers to carry gas and canned foods to his "wife" due to the war that does not exist.

Edwards proclaims that he wants to "put a bullet in Obama's head" and that he wants all Americans to die in a nuclear war. Edwards has violent rages blaming all of his personal problems on Americans. He believes that Americans injured him in the past and all must now pay for his injuries and for the problems that his "wife" is having due to the "war". The management of the university was informed many times about Edwards and his mental problems, but the university Dean did nothing until a few days before the incident, when the Dean scolded Edwards and made Edwards more angry and upset, more violent, and more insane. There is only one American in the program and in the building; the teacher known as Paul, who was forced to share an office with Edwards despite several requests to move. Paul only went to the office 15 minutes before classes and departed immediately after classes to avoid conflict with the madman Edwards.

The police reports will support that Edwards brutally and violently attacked the teacher known as Paul after blocking the doorway so that Paul could not escape. It was early in the morning before classes and no one was present to help Paul, who had told the Deans and staff that he was in fear for his life and well-being on several occasions prior. Paul had been living in fear for his life and well-being for several weeks prior to the incident and the Deans and staff refused to do anything about the problem, though they acknowledged that Edwards is totally crazy. Edwards had violent fist and kick fights with students on at least two occasions when Edwards felt that he was not being respected enough by the students. The management did nothing about it.

Edwards stated that because of the war caused by Americans, Edwards could not see his "wife" who was suffering in the Philippines. Edwards was disheveled, unshaven, enraged, and murderous-in a violent rage, stating that he "could not control himself" and that all Americans must die for all of the wars and for the trouble caused to his "wife". Paul was in fear for his life, he tried to escape but he could not get out of the office. Paul showed the knife and ordered Edwards to get back, but Edwards was not afraid of the knife and aggressively attacked. Paul used the knife for "justified self defense", one small poke to the chest area, which caused a "light" wound according to the police records. It was exactly enough to repel Edwards. Edwards departed and was seen by a student on the way down the stairs. The student had no conflict whatsoever with Paul, in fact, the student gave Paul sweet bread and water and told him to calm down because Edwards had departed the building.

All students and staff at the college know that Edwards is totally insane and inclined to violence and that he often proclaims his hatred toward Americans and the USA. In the end Edwards did not want to go to the Court and be exposed in his fraud and lies and be deported for 10 years so he took 15,000 RMB in full compensation for the injury and Paul was allowed to go about his business. Paul was not arrested because he did not commit a crime. The evidence supporting Paul was overwhelming and was supported by many witnesses. The money was paid because under Chinese self defense laws, if one party is injured and the other is not, especially if one uses a weapon, then the non-injured party is expected to pay some money as compensation.

The problem in this incident is that the Dean, who is very old and totally incompetent in every way, did not take 5 minutes to investigate or confirm Edwards' credentials or qualifications. The Dean had waited until the last minute to fill a position, and classes were already in session and the Dean had not hired a teacher Then Edwards showed up and agreed to work without a contract until papers could be prepared. Edwards simply was there when the Dean needed a foreign face to put in the classroom. It was the easiest solution to the Dean's problem at that time and the university is remote and not an especially pleasant place, very difficult to get teachers to stay there.

Now, all of Edwards frauds and false claims have been exposed and Edwards will be moving on his way. He is not qualified to teach in a real program. He is not a teacher. He claims that he has important business with President Xi and the Defense Minister and that these men will handle the punishment of terrible Paul and also conduct "the war" according to Edwards' genius strategy which will leave the USA in ruins. Edwards also states that his story will be in every newspaper and on CCTV and so on, and he proclaims that the queen and the royal family will be prosecuting Paul by way of extradition to England, where Paul will be hanged or put to death by lethal injection for daring to injure a royal personage. Edwards avoids the Australian Embassy very strongly-wonder why? The university and the police planned to turn him into the AFP for some criminal matters that Edwards has hanging.

Now that the matter is settled, maybe Edwards will travel to your town and set up his little shop of horrors-Americans beware!

#8 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-06
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I knew very well that I was going to lose my job over this and I am the victim. About an hour before they came to my apartment to hand me my offical letter I had already beaten them to the punch. I had just came from my office where I have just handed in my resignation. There is no justice here in China and it seems that a foreigner can commit any crime they like even murder and the only punishment they will receive is deportation, what a bloody joke this country is.

On another point, I had contacted the custom's office about sending food to another country and they told me so long as it wasn't open it could be sent. However the shipping companies refused so now I am stuck with a shit load of food that I cannot do anything about.

It just seems to get worse and worse here with their BS

#9 Parent ROXYINCHINA - 2015-07-05
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I mentioned that there are 4 bogus credentials that I know of held by foreign teachers in my past 4 employers. I don't see how that cannot be construed as a problem with the vetting of foreign teachers. Although I do often belabor the obvious, in this instance I did not.

Elementary schools in the U.S. are notorious for hiring maintenance staff who have prior sex-offender status. I would not suggest pedophile employees who managed to dupe the school administration with bogus resumes shouldn't "shoulder all of the blame" for obtaining a job working with children. In my view, personal responsibility for illegal and/or immoral behavior is not mitigated by institutional incompetence.

China doesn't need or want me to apologize for it. Neither does the U.S. I love the people of both countries and I despise a variety of political chicanery and aggressive international behavior of both governments. The distinction in my on-line and personal communication about both countries is my lifetime of participation and observation of the U.S. as a citizen and my brief experience living in China handicapped by my relative ignorance of Chinese culture and society due to my horrendous Chinese language abilities and my puerile U.S. education.

I don't often engage in conversations in this forum. I do thank you for your thoughts and insight on the Ozzie situation. It's a rare pleasure to have a reasonable and informed interaction here. I recognize that it is quite possible that the 'American' involved in the Ozzie event is a violent, equally non-credentialed rascal.

I thank you for an excellent response. I hope that those who would dismiss your postings in a very rude manner take note. I've had posters reply to my posts with a single word, "rubbish". Despite this I have pursued my argument further because I have known I was in the right. I received no apologies or counter arguments. Still, what can you do? At the end of the day, the truth is still the truth.

#10 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-04
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

You haven't mentioned that there is also a problem with the vetting of applicants'
credentials. And in Ozzie's case, he managed to slip through the safety net because of
woeful checking of his credentials. So, in my view Ozzie shouldn't shoulder all the
blame. I would blame the Chinese for allowing themselves to be so easily duped. Some
might say you are a China apologist because of this

I mentioned that there are 4 bogus credentials that I know of held by foreign teachers in my past 4 employers. I don't see how that cannot be construed as a problem with the vetting of foreign teachers. Although I do often belabor the obvious, in this instance I did not.

Elementary schools in the U.S. are notorious for hiring maintenance staff who have prior sex-offender status. I would not suggest pedophile employees who managed to dupe the school administration with bogus resumes shouldn't "shoulder all of the blame" for obtaining a job working with children. In my view, personal responsibility for illegal and/or immoral behavior is not mitigated by institutional incompetence.

China doesn't need or want me to apologize for it. Neither does the U.S. I love the people of both countries and I despise a variety of political chicanery and aggressive international behavior of both governments. The distinction in my on-line and personal communication about both countries is my lifetime of participation and observation of the U.S. as a citizen and my brief experience living in China handicapped by my relative ignorance of Chinese culture and society due to my horrendous Chinese language abilities and my puerile U.S. education.

I don't often engage in conversations in this forum. I do thank you for your thoughts and insight on the Ozzie situation. It's a rare pleasure to have a reasonable and informed interaction here. I recognize that it is quite possible that the 'American' involved in the Ozzie event is a violent, equally non-credentialed rascal.

#11 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-04
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Splitting hairs in my view was when you tried to differentiate between a resume and an introduction. Yes, Ozzie is a definite rotter. But the American may not be one.

You haven't mentioned that there is also a problem with the vetting of applicants' credentials. And in Ozzie's case, he managed to slip through the safety net because of woeful checking of his credentials. So, in my view Ozzie shouldn't shoulder all the blame. I would blame the Chinese for allowing themselves to be so easily duped. Some might say you are a China apologist because of this. But your view may differ from mine, fair enough.

As for your credentials allowing you to pick and choose, that's very good. But not every laowai who wants to teach has good enough credentials to do as you can. I'm including myself in the latter group, just to let readers know I'm no snob, and I know next to nothing about literature, and I don't want to, either.

I agree with you that it's a terrible thing that many dishonest laowai have managed to cheat the vetting procedure re submiiting fake credentials. The places where I've worked nobody among the foreign teachers has been a PhD, real or fake, simply because they wouldn't be on big bucks should they be real or so-called foreign experts as opposed to ordinary foreign teachers.

#12 Parent Chris - 2015-07-04
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou - reply

You are astute, I was in the FTs office with my foreign colleague and our TAs. My foreign colleague threatened my TA. He told her to stop carrying stories back to the company, and if it happened again, he would arrange for her to be beaten up as she wasn't local, while he had lived there for 3 years - so he knew the 'right people'. The young girl was crying with anger and called the HQ. There were also issues between the two TAs, they hated each other. My colleague's TA had cheated the company regarding her return of class hours, while my TA had told the truth. So the company accountant spotted the discrepancy. I told her my colleague was lucky. She couldn't understand why. I said lucky because you didn't call the police. I let it go. Later, the company did an investigation. My colleague got away with it, and though I did tell the truth, I said as far as I was concerned, it was no big deal. The company switched my TA to another county at the end of the term. In China, it's oftentimes not about right or wrong, it's about employee loyalty. Be smart and you will survive.

#13 Parent former teacher - 2015-07-04
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou - reply

Actually, what you have described could be just about true of any college or university in China. I too was physically threatened outside my classroom by another foreign teacher with very dubious qualifications, who had a long history of physically threatening other people. I weighed up the options to deal with the situation, both at the time and afterwards. Clearly telling the university would achieve nothing; it would only serve to blacken my name. If I had fought him and won, it would be I who would be looked upon as violent and not had my contract renewed, despite defending myself from an obvious assault. If I had actually been assaulted I doubt the judicial process would protect me.

In the end, I was advised to ask the university subtly if he was a Manager, because he seemed to be dictating what I should do and how I should behave. This turned out to be well thought out advice. The university, as predicted by my Chinese advisor, got more upset when they thought he was trying to manage staff above the heads of the actual Heads of the university. It was this that irked the university more than anything and he wasn't asked to return the following term.

#14 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-04
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I've never advertised on-line to get a position, so I have no useful information about that activity. The American may very well have bogus credentials, but on that website I am unable to see where he claims to have graduated. Ozzie, however, trumpets his higher institution of imagined learning. Distinguishing between obvious guilt and potential guilt is not, in my opinion, splitting hairs.

In China, if your credentials are adequate, deciding the city and the universities where you prefer to work and contacting them directly seems the best procedure and in my case has always been successful.

At EACH Chinese University where I have taught (4) there have been individuals with bogus credentials, one Masters Degree, three Doctorates. Additionally, EACH university had several 'stealth' missionaries who were teaching and surreptitiously proselytizing, one transforming his Doctorate of Divinity from some fundamentalist on-line degree mill into a 'secular' PhD.

Water into wine.

#15 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Perhaps he is Sancho to our Australian Don Quixote. If so, I apologize for giving him short shrift. I admit to being mesmerized by our Ozzie's perilous plight.

Some of the stuff Professor Ozzie posted would never have been posted by a real professor. I found the whole thread to be marvellously entertaining, enhanced by your irony.
However, my hilarity was somewhat tempered by my realisation that the college FAO and the Provincial Education Department were both much too easily duped by Ozzie because neither had realized that a PhD unaccompanied by no other academic qualification(s) of at least university degree level was an impossibility. Unforgivable! Hence Ozzie got a Foreign Expert Certificate and was let loose on the college's students.

Finally, let me say I'm sure that if you were seeking employers to contact you by means of posting a short introduction online, you would surely mention you had a university degree if indeed you had one. A no-brainer, isn't it! So we needn't split hairs between short online introductions and online resumes.

#16 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I abhor violence, though I do believe we are each capable of it.
I haven't seen the American's resume, only his photo with a short introduction. And I have not read, as far as I know, any posts by him.
Perhaps he is Sancho to our Australian Don Quixote. If so, I apologize for giving him short shrift. I admit to being mesmerized by our Ozzie's perilous plight.

#17 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Let's remember: this is an alleged assault. The allegations are from a person of, well, er, it's Ozzie.

Yes, you are right. Maybe you have forgotten, I said that in my initial post on the thread.

And I'm afraid to imagine what I might do if I was in an enclosed space with Ozzie for any length of time,

Even so, I wouldn't expect you to resort to physical violence.

How about the credentials of the alleged knifer? I take it he has a university degree. I think that should be essential for foreign teachers employed by Chinese universities. Please analyse his resume and inform us about that. You have already analysed Professor Ozzie's online resume. I feel you should do likewise regarding the American's online resume.

#18 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Let's remember: this is an alleged assault. The allegations are from a person of, well, er, it's Ozzie.
And I'm afraid to imagine what I might do if I was in an enclosed space with Ozzie for any length of time.

#19 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

You have certainly hit the nail on the head, now will the OP confirm this is indeed said thug?

#20 Parent John - 2015-07-03
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Professor Ozzie is a conman.
The college FAO are fools. It is not possible to obtain a PhD unless you have a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Anyone claiming to have a PhD must also have a first degree.

#21 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Been e-mailed that the link doesn't work using Firefox. So, here it is, minus the photo!





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外教Paul Howard Crown的简历


姓名 : Paul Howard Crown(17271)
外教Paul Howard Crown

国籍 : USA

性别 : Male

年龄 : 50

婚姻状况 : Personal

学历 : TESOL

专业 : 所在国家 : China

工作经验 : More than 5 years 求职类型 :

简历附加说明 :

Languages: Native Speaker of American English Advanced/Fluent speaker of Spanish with reading and writing ability Proficient speaker of French with some reading and writing ability Conversational in Thai, Mandarin Chinese (continuing efforts), Familiar with Cantonese, Korean, Khmer, Japanese, It.......


E-MAIL: ****** √




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  照片:Have uploaded (简历已经上传,可供下载)

其他资料:Have uploaded (简历已经上传,可供下载) *其他资料包括TEFL证书,TESOL证书,介绍信等

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#22 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

The link below is well worth clicking!

#23 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Either way it is quite plain for all to see....Guangzhou really does attract a motley crew of
deadlegs and ne'er do wells.

I recall Silverboy saying in an old post that one should be wary of laowai in China. He reckoned that some of them became unhinged and dangerous to fellow laowai, due to being unable to accept the culture of China. He liked to frequent places such as night clubs and bars where many laowai like to hang out. He said he was in more danger from laowai in China than he was from the Chinese.

Having met some Americans in China, I will venture to suggest that they are the ones most likely to become violent, as Americans are raised in a society that pays little attention to what's going on internationally, and so many of them will get a huge negative culture shock when living in China.

#24 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

In an email received by Professor Ozzie stating the Guangzhou Commercial College has made serious allegation upon Professor Ozzie teaching credentials.

If indeed there is a problem regarding your teaching credentials, do not contact SAFEA nor the PSB.

#25 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

That nurse's bell, though likely a symptom of dementia, should be a treasured reminder to nod quietly instead of giving voice to your inane Aussie arrogance when younger and stronger individuals are present. The days when you could outrun the damage of your rudeness have long since passed. I do sympathize that you went through childhood bearing that name and I thank you for the entertainment that your plight has provided readers of this forum.

#26 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

The moment Mr Crown (the attacker) walked into the classroom all the students walked out in protest. Most of the students in his other classes refused to even come to his classes fearing they could be next. The way the Guangzhou Commercial College is handling this is nothing but total BS and this school should be avoided for your own safety.

I don't plan on going to this place, I know full well that there are certain parts of guang zhou that are unsafe.

Yes, it must be frightening for the students....why wasn't he banned from campus/fired?

#27 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

In an email received by Professor Ozzie stating the Guangzhou Commercial College has made
serious allegation upon Professor Ozzie teaching credentials.

There is nothing serious about claiming a PhD from a university that does not exist: Kingsbridge University.
It is unfortunate that the assailant's knife had serious credentials.

#28 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

The moment Mr Crown (the attacker) walked into the classroom all the students walked out in protest. Most of the students in his other classes refused to even come to his classes fearing they could be next. The way the Guangzhou Commercial College is handling this is nothing but total BS and this school should be avoided for your own safety.

#29 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Yes we were both alone in the teacher's office at the time of the attack but in full view of the 4 surveillance cameras pointed towards the teacher's office.

#30 Parent Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

I have been seeking a meeting to verify all these allegations made by the Guangzhou Commercial College, but they are refusing to meet with me to defend them. I'm left with a scar, nightmares and the sound of the nurse's bell ringing in my ears every night.

#31 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Information was relayed to Professor Ozzie that the video evidence from the four hallway surveillance cameras had been deleted to save the Guangzhou Commercial College from further embarrassment about the attack upon Professor Ozzie’s life.

Another report relayed to Professor Ozzie the following day. Professor Hu, the acting Dean of the Guangzhou Commercial College at the time of the attack; had turned off the surveillance cameras for his own privacy. This being the case Professor Hu showed gross misconduct in safety towards his staff and towards all the students under his care.

The Chinese will never change, anything and everything makes them lose face. So a psycho who stabbed a foreign teacher at that college, was released by the police, and ALLOWED back by this chinese professor.This dangerous foreign teacher should not have even been allowed back on the campus, with instructions for him to be removed and reported to the police if found on campus.Reminds me of a case I heard in Shenzhen, where a foreigner who was sleeping with a chinese women who omitted to tell said foreigner she had a crazy chinese husband, was forced to move out in a week due to the psycho wanting to kill him with a kitchen knife....the police said they could do nothing, and it was HIS fault for sleeping around, as Chinese NEVER do this, and it is only immoral westerners (sic!). Meanwhile, ktv's and one woman whore houses act with impunity.....

#32 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-02
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Quite right to ask that question.

Either way it is quite plain for all to see....Guangzhou really does attract a motley crew of deadlegs and ne'er do wells.

#33 Parent ROXY IN CHINA - 2015-07-01
Re Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

The dispute broke out in the foreign teacher’s office Guangzhou Commercial College, when Professor Ozzie made a comment defending his family. The attacking foreign teacher Paul Howard Crown took offence to Professor Ozzie’s comments pulling out a flick knife from his pocket stabbing Professor Ozzie in the chest. Mr Crown took Professor Ozzie’s comment as a threat to kill him; Professor Ozzie was unarmed at the time of the attack and had no intentions of ever wanting to kill or harm Mr Crown in any way.

Were you and the American alone in the foreign teacher's office at the time of the (alleged) attack?

Professor Ozzie - 2015-07-01
Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou

Foreign teacher stabbed in Guangzhou University

Dispute breaks out at Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou, leaving one foreign teacher hospitalized with stab wound to chest.

June 4th 2015 8 am Thursday morning a dispute broke out between Paul Howard Crown (American) and Dr Edwards Mervyn James also known as Professor Ozzie (Australian), two foreign teachers employed at Guangzhou Commercial College Jiulong town Guangzhou.

The dispute broke out in the foreign teacher’s office Guangzhou Commercial College, when Professor Ozzie made a comment defending his family. The attacking foreign teacher Paul Howard Crown took offence to Professor Ozzie’s comments pulling out a flick knife from his pocket stabbing Professor Ozzie in the chest. Mr Crown took Professor Ozzie’s comment as a threat to kill him; Professor Ozzie was unarmed at the time of the attack and had no intentions of ever wanting to kill or harm Mr Crown in any way.

Professor Ozzie escaped from his office and was saved from further harm by one of his students walking up the stairs. The brave student (Dylan) saw Mr Crown coming up behind Professor Ozzie ready to stab him in the back. When Dylan saw Mr Crown approaching his teacher (Professor Ozzie) with a knife, he immediately put his own life on the line coming between Mr Crown and his teacher. Mr Crown was arrested shortly afterwards and taken to the local police station where he wasn’t charged and was allowed to go home.

Meanwhile Professor Ozzie was rushed to Luogang local hospital in a serious but stable condition suffering a stab wound to his chest after the dispute.

Professor Ozzie was informed two days later that a staff member - Professor Hu (Dean of the Guangzhou Commercial College) had placed Mr Crown back into the college as a foreign teacher where he had full access to inflict potential harm on the opposing student who witnessed the attack.

Information was relayed to Professor Ozzie that the video evidence from the four hallway surveillance cameras had been deleted to save the Guangzhou Commercial College from further embarrassment about the attack upon Professor Ozzie’s life.

Another report relayed to Professor Ozzie the following day. Professor Hu, the acting Dean of the Guangzhou Commercial College at the time of the attack; had turned off the surveillance cameras for his own privacy. This being the case Professor Hu showed gross misconduct in safety towards his staff and towards all the students under his care.

In an email received by Professor Ozzie stating the Guangzhou Commercial College has made serious allegation upon Professor Ozzie teaching credentials.

A meeting was sort by Professor Ozzie with the Guangzhou Commercial College about these allegations, however they have refused Professor Ozzie's meeting. Professor took matters and submitted emails to the local television station and to the local newspaper but just like the Guangzhou Commercial College, they too are treating this as nothing but a joke. The Guangzhou Commercial College is now suspending both Mr Crown and Professor Ozzie over this stabbing conflict which is total BS. Why should Professor Ozzie be suspended over this when all he was doing was defending his family and was totally unarmed at the time of the stabbing and was only leaving the office for a smoke. Why should any action at all be taken against Professor Ozzie at all?

If you're considering taking up any teaching position at the Guangzhou Commercial College please be advice that they do not treat you with respect and will never do anything to help you in any way. For further information about this particular collage you can contact me at the above email address.

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