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Red - 2014-08-29

What ever you do do not work for Shane!

The management for this school is beyond incompetent, the lying and deception from all management is absolutely unbelievable.

First off most teachers are working there illegally the school says they are unable to get the correct working visa due to regulations in Dalian.. well how come every other school is managing to get their teachers the correct, legal papers?

They tell you that you are earning 9200 RMB for 18 hours work, once you get there they tax you so your salary is only 8700, but how can they tax you if you are working illegally? You get no housing subsidy or any other benefits.

Once you arrive the manager will actually tell you that it is not the Chinese staff members job to help you and if they do its " out of the kindness of their own hearts". So you will be left to fend for your self in a country where you can't speak the language. One girl will show you 2 apartments and you will be made to choose they are some of the worst living spaces I have ever seen.

You will be asked to sign a contract in Chinese ( this is after they have sent you a totally different one ). Unless you can read Chinese you will be unable to decipher what you are signing but the contract states that you are only earning 6000 RMB, if they ever with hold your wages and you take them to court the most you will ever get is 6000.

If you try to take some of the 11 days holiday they offer you you will be told it is not company policy to give staff weekends off. Then when you leave they will with hold the money for the days you were not allowed to take, they will also try to not pay you your over time that you worked or your flight allowance.

While other schools are giving their staff usually a couple of days more than the government minimum national holidays Shane will give you less.

You think the contract isn't so bad cause its only 18 hours, well, your scheduled will change weekly including your days off which are never together, you will be unable to pick up extra work as you will be unable to tell clients when you are available. For 8700 you wont be able to save much so you need the extra work.

There are thousands of schools in China don't work for this one.

Messages In This Thread
Shane English School Dalian -- Red -- 2014-08-29
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Lex & Jimmy -- 2018-12-13
Re Shane English School Dalian -- SES Dalian Academic Manager -- 2016-02-04
Re: Re Shane English School Dalian -- Impressed -- 2016-02-04
Re: Re Shane English School Dalian -- SES Dalian Academic Manager -- 2016-02-04
Re Shane English School Dalian -- FencingMad001 -- 2014-12-16
Re Shane English School Dalian -- SES Dalian Academic Manager -- 2016-02-04
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Objective attempt -- 2016-02-04
Re Shane English School Dalian -- the.dude -- 2015-01-03
Re Shane English School Dalian -- SES Dalian Academic Manager -- 2016-02-04
Re Shane English School Dalian -- looking 4 esl -- 2015-02-09
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Irfas -- 2014-08-29
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