Return to Index › Re: Why Raoul F. Duke Wants You To Avoid Recruiters- ALL Recruiters, Everywhere, Any Time!
#1 Parent Raoul F. Duke - 2011-12-22
Re: Why Raoul F. Duke Wants You To Avoid Recruiters- ALL Recruiters, Everywhere, Any Time!

There are SOME recruiters that are OK, but they are a very small minority. Anyway, IMO they are all lazy, they get paid substantial amounts of money for doing virtually nothing, they are just parasities who live off the hard work of others.
As for NDI, it is a rubbish organization, and any recruiter who places an FT with them is a crook.

We're in perfect agreement. That "very small minority" is indeed very small, and the odds of finding them are infinitesimally remote. You're better off playing the lottery back home, in hopes of then coming to China to live like a king. ;-{)
And 'parasite' is exactly the word I use to describe recruiters. We need them about as much as we need a tapeworm.

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