Return to Index › Saint Paul American School, Philippines
#1 Parent target - 2016-03-28
Re Saint Paul American School, Philippines

This school is Korean owned and 98% of the students are Korean.
The vice principal is James luko or James Luko Serbian Genocide Denier.

Google search; James Luko Genocide Denier for more details.
Luko poaches Korean students from Noblese Int. School up the road.
Noblese or NIS is also Korean owned.

Try Brent Subic, IS Manila, BIS Manila or Cebu IS.
Good luck and the Philippines is more fun with a Job at a proper International School.

Never, work for Koreans in the Philippines, ever!

#2 Parent Rafael - 2016-03-28
Re Saint Paul American School, Philippines

For something at that level it can be worth it to pay a visit before accepting. Vice principal is a lot of responsibility. Which you don't want to take on in a dodgy institution. That said the Philippines is very nice. Get something solid there and it can be a sweet life.

Teachus - 2016-03-20
Saint Paul American School, Philippines

I just had a Skype Interview with Saint Paul American School Clark, Philippines,outside of Manila.
They offered me a vice principal/teaching position, for next academic school year.
Does anyone have any information on this particular school or SPACS in general?
They are not on ISR reviews even the paid section.The principal looked quite young, is this a scam or legit?

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