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#1 Parent BA only - 2015-06-02
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

You miss the point, a BA is good enough for China. Also SB is in his late forties.

You are very condescending to others,sorry to say.

Also what is graduate school, I am sure you mean university?

#2 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-17
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

never mind, just kidding....many great male ESL teachers...and Asian girls are the draw for many of us coming to Asia take care, hope you are okay, God Bless

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-17
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

The only professional ESL teachers I have met in Asia are all women from the UK. Australia, New Zealand, U.S. and Ireland.

Yes, and I have met many of those so called "ladies" and "women" from the west and they are all by and large a big bunch of feminist know it alls who hate western men, mostly because western men, especially in Asia know that they are annoying and not beautiful. As a friend told me, why would you want to talk a walk around the elephant park, when there are flamingos everywhere........they are just bitter, and very often two faced back stabbing b*****s wherever they are, especially so in the middle east. I knew a odious woman there who had previously taught in China, she was racist and just terrible.

#4 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-16
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

You guys are lazy...just ESL is all you can do. I would never teach ESL and never have. The only professional ESL teachers I have met in Asia are all women from the UK. Australia, New Zealand, U.S. and Ireland. You guys are little boys who quit school too early. You fancy yourselves as teachers, when all you are dong is teaching first grade level English to adults. (You could not get jobs teaching any grade English, in your own home countries. I have two nephews who teach English NOT ESL to students in their home country. They each have Masters in English, where a thesis was required.) I have done more and will do even more than you guys will ever do. However, if you ever decided to work hard, you could do more. Male ESL teachers are a dime a dozen.. Silverboy I am glad I have never heard of you because I do not hang around with male ESL teachers. Once again your comments concern YOUR OWN frustrating lives, that are going no where. Your ESL skills mean nothing in your home countries and you know it! Yes it is a sad situation for you. I am moving to the UK and will stay there until I finish a project with some fellow economists at an NGO... The project should last a couple of years at least. We will publish several items. I will have other offers after that because research records are important in such countries as the UK. You guys need to grow up, go to graduate school and get a job worthy of men, not jobs for boys stuck in adolescences, as you are in now. I am just trying to help you. I think Silverboy is almost 30. Come on man. Get busy, pursuing a real career.

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