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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-04-09
Re Critiquing training centers

Though it does not make them the be and and end all of ESL knowledge then now does it?

Fair enough, a valid point. I personally do not feel there is any one individual on these boards who can claim to be an "absolute authority" when it comes to teaching ESL. I knew people with masters degrees and PGCE's and they still could not teach a class full of uni aged chinese students, yet I only had a degree and felt comfortable doing it, and was good at it. Knowing mandarin also helps, but you get those with too much education, who think they need not learn mandarin, as they are there to teach english only and other such reasoning.

There is something to be said for a teacher who can keep the attention of young kids while actually teaching them something.

Again, fair enough, just I would not like to teach the little horrors myself.

#2 Parent Curtis - 2015-04-09
Re Critiquing training centers

Though it does not make them the be and and end all of ESL knowledge then now does it?

I take issue not with their criticism of crappy schools. We can all agree on a crappy school when we see one. However, they always just tell people go teach at a University. As if that is the only professional environment that exists in education. Theres no shame in singing songs and playing games if that is what it takes for children to learn. People shouldn't act like that form of teaching is beneath them. There is something to be said for a teacher who can keep the attention of young kids while actually teaching them something.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-04-09
Re Critiquing training centers

When was the last time you ever taught children? Oh wait I forgot you don't teach children.

That is irrelevant and just pure GW conjecture.

Many people do not like and are NOT qualified to teach kids. It does not make an individual a bad person, nor a bad teacher.

#4 Parent Curtis - 2015-04-08
Re Critiquing training centers

How would you know anything about ESL life in China? When was the last time you were ever in a classroom? When was the last time you ever taught children? Oh wait I forgot you don't teach children. You are above that. More like no one is going to hire an old man like yourself in this industry. The esl industry has washed you up and spit you out. The same thing will hopefully happen in the education system in western countries. We have a huge talent pool of recently certified teachers waiting to get in and utilize their new ideas. They bring a new breath of fresh air to education. However educational dinosaurs are still hanging around refusing to retire. However, the school boards are forcing them out. You come from an outdated age and can't survive in the modern educational environment. Retire and be gone. Hahaha

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