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#1 Parent Justyn Biehber - 2015-04-08
Re Critiquing training centers

If the Dragonized poster dared to behave only a bit like that Bieber person, then he might given a bit more respect. That is, showing a bit more courage to do things himself rather than asking others to do it for him. It's simply the difference a boy and a real man.

Or worse yet, Justin Bieber.
#2 Parent Spectre of easter past - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

To be fair, it is mostly dos types or gw types who think that they are great, or a big man.

Most FTS at public gigs are humble and just get on with it.

China does attract the sociopaths and the plain know what they say, a shady place in the east attracts shady people.

#3 Parent Curtis - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

Yea this board is an absolute joke. I hate myself for even coming here. I am proud to say I am not a regular, but every few months I will go on a two week binge on this site. However, I am deeply ashamed of that. I am no better than these children. They are children, not educators. Perhaps I shouldn't claim to be more either, since I do engage them in their antics.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2015-04-07
Re: Re Critiquing training centers

All the best in your search, David

#5 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

This board seems to attract a lot of pyschopaths/sociopaths though, doesn't it?.

Nobody here is actually a 'big cheese,' regardless of what they boast of. That's why I struggle to take this board seriously at all.

I think I would say that there are some fragile people who use these sites-maybe more fragile than I have believed hitherto. I have to start my job search tomorrow so will be taking a couple of months off from posting. Speak to you when I get back. Cheers.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

Best get sensible ,Turnoi. Hitler was a psychopath operating in a very emotive circumstance. He was a world leader. Turnoi 1 was talking about attracting friends for the every day man-. But I don't think Hitler had any friends as such; or got on well with anybody in the ordinary sense- he didn't have to get on with anybody- but must of us are not big cheeses like he was.

This board seems to attract a lot of pyschopaths/sociopaths though, doesn't it?.

Nobody here is actually a 'big cheese,' regardless of what they boast of. That's why I struggle to take this board seriously at all.

#7 Parent David Dilley (was yu2fa3) - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

Turnoi - if you think that widespread support and popularity makes you a better person; please took a look at Adolf Hitler. Or worse yet, Justin Bieber.

Best get sensible ,Turnoi. Hitler was a psychopath operating in a very emotive circumstance. He was a world leader. Turnoi 1 was talking about attracting friends for the every day man-. But I don't think Hitler had any friends as such; or got on well with anybody in the ordinary sense- he didn't have to get on with anybody- but must of us are not big cheeses like he was.

Getting back to the target of the vitriol ,Dragonised. I regard it as impudent suggested Dragonized hasn't any friends or doesn't get on with people in the main- how the heck do you all know. It just sounded good so you said it anyway.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-04-07
Re Critiquing training centers

Turnoi - if you think that widespread support and popularity makes you a better person; please took a look at Adolf Hitler. Or worse yet, Justin Bieber.

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