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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

It's not an insult if it's

a) Using words or opinions expressed directly in the posts you have made

b) true

And therein lies the difference.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

Again, it is a complete fallacy that I support ALL private schools... I merely advocate balance, facts and not sweeping generalisations and bias.

Another alias?? Bored now.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

Proof that Beth is all too ready to throw personal insults all over the place, yet she never gets censored. However, if Silverboy posts something that is not only genuinely funny but completely valid, his posts get blocked. It's bullshit really.

You are doing a nice job of responding to her with sarcasm.

#4 Parent Lenna - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

There was this story about that low-life DOS of EF in some place in Northern China or Hohot (Inner Mongolia) who used to spit in the ice cream of another foreign teacher. If all those "friends of Beth" have disgusting manners like that, you will not only need to survive a crappy Chinese training centre but also backstabbing low-life FTs of the latter kind. Just proves once more the low-life moral of the corporate ESL industry at the bottom of the barrel. Disgusting, disgusting!

#5 Parent Beth - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

Now who's discussing people?! You are a hypocrite.

#6 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-02
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

We should start anonymous rehabilitation groups for FTs who have survived working for a Private School in China. We could recognize each other by calling ourselves 'friends of Beth'.

#7 Parent Somebody - 2015-01-26
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

This from a part time conversation teacher who wouldn't know the CEFR it slapped the face?! Please!

I love the "end of story" he always tacks on to the most debatable things!

#8 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Getting a TC DoS job 101.

So that's the same for every single private school, hmmm? No further information needed, it's a TC so it's automatically owned and operated by a criminal, it's nothing but a scam and it doesn't provide any decent education at all?

This from a part time conversation teacher who wouldn't know the CEFR it slapped the face?! Please!

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