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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-12-08
Re: Re EF Dalian

I should clarify, EF doesn't offer Cambridge exams to their students. Some branches offer the TKT test to any FTs who want to sit it as it is a requirement for the LTs employed to sit the TKT, so FTs can too should they so desire.

EF offers training in IELTS, but not in C-ESOL exams. At least the two I worked for didn't... Although it would good if they did

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-12-08
Re: Re EF Dalian

It is both, Turnoi. That is the point of inversion... Something you clearly have no concept of, given your appalling attempt at it in this post.

EF do not offer Cambridge exams. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about!

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