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#1 Parent Londongirl - 2014-09-17
Re Being drunk while teaching

Actually, you did say it was acceptable. You said if he turned up drunk, showering and eating breath mints would allow take the class. It wouldn't. Being intoxicated is never acceptable whilst in charge of students. You can blame the system, but that's just a way to avoid personal responsibility. Anyone turning up drunk to work should be fired immediately. You have a responsibility to your students and if you can't be responsible, you shouldn't be teaching. Integrity is something you either posess or you don't. It's not something you leavening the runway at Heathrow as you fly to China.

What an FT does in their own free time however is up to them. I will still do things my own way
As I've said, repeatedly, I couldn't care less what anyone does in their free time. The only time I care is when that impacts their ability to do their job, in the case of turning up drunk/hungover, or not turning up to teach a class because you're sleeping it off somewhere. That is not your free time.

When I wasn't working the next day, you could usually find me hanging out with my friends at Pass By in Taizhou or in Transformers or Friends bar in Dalian. But if I was working the next day I wouldn't be out drinking the night before, it's irresponsible and unprofessional. I wouldn't do the.minimum for my classes either. I had a class in Dalian that I used to spend hours of my free time finding, downloading, printing and setting English reading books for. Another class I used to film acting out thier created role-plays and in the evening I would edit together movies for them to keep as records of their work. Another class I introduced vocabulary books that I made myself and added to myself each week for them. This is why I know you are an inferior teacher to me, my priority is educating and inspiring my students. Yours is doing the bare minimum for an easy life. Teachers like you who go to China to abuse a corrupt system are a major part of the problem and I will never, ever see you as anything other than a parasite.

#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-17
Re Being drunk while teaching

A broken system is no excuse for a mindset that finds intoxicated teaching acceptable.

I never stated intoxicated teaching is/was acceptable. If you recall, I mention he should have been sent home to shower, freshen up, change clothes, and then sober up, and use breath mints for his breath. But yes, if the teacher is wasted then they should be disciplined or if the boss is kind, allowed to take the day off to sleep it off and he can be penalized as necessary.

What an FT does in their own free time however is up to them. I will still do things my own way, consequences be damned!!!

#3 Parent Londongirl - 2014-09-16
Re Being drunk while teaching

Following up my point about not blaming a system for individual behavior, I look at it like this, just because it's broken doesn't mean you have to assimilate to be the same.

I lived in Italy for 2 years, where I lived they weren't very tolerant of dogs, unwanted puppies were often left out to die alone. This was a widely held, accepted belief in the area. Living there and being exposed to this did not make me also view unwanted puppies as a nuisance. Instead when I found one barely clinging to life last year I took her hone, cared for her and let her in to my life. I didn't look at that shivering, dirty bundle of bones and walk on by like the locals would have because regardless of what I witnessed I still knew right from wrong.

A broken system is no excuse for a mindset that finds intoxicated teaching acceptable. If all the bad teachers jumped off a cliff, would he too?

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