Return to Index › Re Robert de Beaugrande
#1 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re Robert de Beaugrande

I'm so glad you posted this, Turnoi. I wondered why someone who professes such knowledge about the ESL industry was so negative and dismissive about the DELTA, and the reason as show here is because you don't actually know what it is!

You said your English is better than mine. Look at theĀ“passage marked bod above

Yes, I missed the 'n' off at the end of show. Much like you missed the 'l' out of bold. An obvious typo, nothing more. I'm using a very old smartphone with a tiny, cracked screen. What's your excuse?

I've refuted each of you points, many times. Each time you come back more hysterical, more delusional and repeat yourself over and over, further sliding in to the insanity of 'Fake Poster' or disputing my gender and it really is getting boring now. You haven't sensibly countered a single one of the many facts raised, just continued to live in your dream world where you know best. And this isn't just coming from me, but a multitude of posters now. You have been shown up over and over again as having no idea what you're talking about and the maniacal tone to your posts now is really quite pitiful.

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