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#1 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-09
Re Public-controlled education, no education as a privateb business!

That part of Cambridge Uni associated with ESL is an affiliated organization taking advantage the prestigious name of Cambr Uni. But both of them have no or only little academic recognition in public education
Not true, Cambridge University developed the ESOL exams and continues to have daily input in to their use, the publication of material and the training of examiners. What do you mean they have little recognition in public education?! The two are different things! One is public education and the other is attaining an internationally recognised and accepted certification of English ability on the CEFR scale. You know nothing of teaching in Europe, stop pretending you do!

- or does an ESL teacher reocognised by by the British Council/Cambrt Uni ESOL Syndicate automatically qualify for teaching at a public school in the UK or somewhere else?
No, because they are entirely different things! That's like asking if somebody who has qualified as a brain surgeon can also do a heart transplant! A similar field but a different speciality!

And whilst we're on the subject, the rate of immigration in the UK means that ESL teaching is in great demand at a lot of inner city schools, so yes, in some places DELTA trained ESL teachers work in UK public schools teaching students English as a second language. And the students sit both IELTS and Cambridge exams. Do your research before casting assumptions.

British Council and Cambridge ESOL are bodies that mostly are associated with private businesses that can't award any valid degrees, diplomas or certificates themselves.
Not sure of your point, here? Private schools with Cambridge Centre accreditation are exam centres, where official Cambridge exams are sat and the candidates are then certified by Cambridge university for their ability in accordance with the CEFR, the international standard of English ability.

Likewise, the academic qualifications of most of the teachers or "teachers" (deechers) working for them in ESL cannot match with the academic and professional credentials that ordinary real teachers at public schools hold. That means British Council or Cambr Uni ESOl teachers or "teachers" depend on jobs in the private ESL industry only.
Again, not sure what point you're trying to make here? If you want to teach ESL why would you sit a qualification that allowed you to teach in a different field?! DELTA is an exceptional qualification for those teaching in the ESL field. It's certainly far more qualified than your cronies Silverboy and ConcernedTeacher are, and far more than any teacher I met during my 2 years in China, much to my horror.

As said previously, I am more than qualified to work at a public school if I so chose. I choose not to as I prefer working at a school where the only focus is English. And all of the teachers I have worked with since getting back to Europe are also all qualified to work at a public school. But, again, ESL teaching in Europe is different to China and it is very, very rare that a public school will have a native English speaker working for them, it's far more common that a state school teacher will come to a Cambridge school to get their B2 certification and then they teach elementary to intermediate English in the state schools.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

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