Return to Index › "Verified School" PIEG is Agency
#1 Parent Admin of this site - 2014-09-09
Re: "Verified School" PIEG is Agency

They are both.

Here are their schools:
Tangshan No. 1 High School
Xingtai No. 1 High School
Middle school attached to Hebei Normal University

Dubius Maximus - 2014-09-08
"Verified School" PIEG is Agency

PIEG claiming to be a verified school is not.

If you go to the site it is clearly an agency.

They say this in their ad:
"Sino-Canada international Secondary School
Our schools are Canadian Nova Scotia offshore international schools located in China."

But when you look for specific projects on their website, there is no English page and no indication of schools named like the above.

One page shows a school with no such name:

In fact the name of the school is "Shiji Jinyuan School Attached to Yunnan Normal University."

Another page says "Tangshan No. 1 High School."

This organization, PIEG, appears to be an agency calling itself a "verified school."

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