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#1 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

what is your end game or stake in all of this, other than to insult the western male teachers who post on these boards?
I've already said what my aim is; to show any inexperienced teachers who come to these boards looking for helpful advice that the opinions and rantings of posters such as yourself should be taken with a pinch of salt, at most.

In one post you state proudly after writing very arrogantly and selfishly you will not be back, yet, here you still are.
Yeah, I should really know better than to argue with idiots, but I just can't let you guys get away with bully tactics unchecked. Somebody needs to stand up to you, may as well be me.

My point is they know the grammar through learning
From a real qualified English teacher. Like me.

whereas we learn it at school, then quickly forget it.
Not all of us. Some of us have an IQ over 6.

It is ESL teaching, not bloody grammar teaching......
The fact you think there's a distinction between the two things further highlights your position as a fake teacher. You don't know the first thing about real ESL teaching.
#2 Parent fifi - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

hi hi...

#3 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

"The western males who post on this board".... not much there. Not much there to insult

But I'll do my best to work with what we have! ;)

#4 Parent fifi - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

"The western males who post on this board".... not much there. Not much there to insult.

#5 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-10
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

And what is your end game or stake in all of this, other than to insult the western male teachers who post on these boards?

In one post you state proudly after writing very arrogantly and selfishly you will not be back, yet, here you still are. My point is they know the grammar through learning, whereas we learn it at school, then quickly forget it. It is ESL teaching, not bloody grammar teaching......

#6 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-09
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

"If you honestly don't think teaching grammar is important, I have nothing more to say to you."

That should ONLY be the job of the chinese, italian, spanish teachers or whoever.

What a ridiculous thing to say! Congratulations, of all the ludicrous things I've ever read on this board, that has to take the prize as most idiotic.

Tell me, Concerned "Teacher"... Who exactly teaches the Chinese, Italian or Spanish teachers English grammar in the first place? Or do they learn it themselves from a book once somebody like you has talked at them for a while?! Of course grammar is an essential part of being a good ESL teacher. Suggesting otherwise is just utterly ludicrous!

Thank you for posting this as you have just proven that you are no real teacher at all. Attempting to discuss teaching with you would clearly be like trying to play chess with a pigeon; no matter how well you play the pigeon will just strut over the board, knock over the pieces and crap on the game.

#7 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-09
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

We should just teach conversation and writing and the culture, end of story.

Also, how does one teach writing without teaching grammar?


Teacher: Ok class, write about what you did at the weekend.

Class begins writing, "teacher" begins monitoring

Teacher: Very good, Timmy. However we don't say "Yesterday I go to the beach and play with my friends." We say "Yesterday I went to the beach and played with my friends."

Timmy: Oh, ok. Why?

Teacher: Because when we talk about yesterday it's in the past so that means the verbs in the sentence must change to be in the past.

Timmy: Oh, ok. Teacher?

Teacher: Yes, Timmy?

Timmy: What's a verb?

Teacher: It's a doing word. Go and Play are verbs.

Timmy: And why does go become went but play become played? And what about other verbs?

Teacher: Ah, Timmy. That's grammar. You don't need to know about that. Just get on with your writing.

#8 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-09
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

If you honestly don't think teaching grammar is important, I have nothing more to say to you.

That should ONLY be the job of the chinese, italian, spanish teachers or whoever. We should just teach conversation and writing and the culture, end of story. [edited]

#9 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-08
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

However, to take one example, No 5. Whilst that statement is not totally grammatically correct, it is easy to understand the meaning, the context of what Turnoi said.

Ahh, but you didn't ask about context, did you? You asked for examples that showed he wasn't an expert in English and I gave them.

Context can be inferred from somebody saying "Me hungry. Give food." it doesn't make them an expert of the English language!

By the way, I think you didn't read my post properly, as I believe I said 'mainly speaking', going from what you had previously said about sometimes including anagrams in your classes.

I take it, being semi-retired, you haven't had time to check out a CAE exam either? Although I would have thought somebody who was semi-retired had more free time. Ah well.

If you honestly don't think teaching grammar is important, I have nothing more to say to you. Grammar is the foundation of any language and teaching the use of it is the bones of real language teaching.

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