Return to Index › Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!
#1 Parent EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-08
Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing!

I would argue that Turnoi is an expert in regard to both Chinese and English. If you have any evidence to the contrary please share it with us.

Well, ok... Seeing as you asked nicely...

This ->

I feel actually more convenient with women who are self-conscious
is a wonderful example of not only misusing basic English vocabulary, but also of bad sentence structure as 'actually' should precede 'feel'. I could list a myriad of other basic mistakes that have been littered throughout his posts in a similar vein (not to mention some basic punctuation errors) but I'm on my smartphone and copying and pasting is such a chore. If you insist I humiliate your friend further, by all means say so and when I go in to the office later I shall go through his posts and further make my point.

It's Turnoi that attempted to belittle people in the first instance for what were obviously typos, so I feel no shame in returning that favour.

As you have just said your experience of teaching is strictly conversational, I shall speak no more about grammar to you as clearly the mechanics of the English language will not be your forte. I don't believe teaching mainly speaking constitutes real teaching, most people can teach the basics of conversation but it takes a different level of skill to teach a student sentence transformations and the use of the passive. I teach everything from oral fluency, listening skills and reading and writing skills. I had a CELTA when I first started and I completed my DELTA just under 2 years ago. I teach CAE and Proficiency level English; again I invite you to look at the Cambridge websites for sample papers of what is expected at this level and hopefully you will finally understand the difference between what I teach and what you taught. Especially as you say you are an experienced teacher but clearly didn't understand the application of the possessive 'their'.

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