Return to Index › Re: Best Learning, Beijing
#1 Parent James - 2014-02-04
Re: Best Learning, Beijing

I am a former employee of Best Learning. I can confirm that Best Learning Beijing is a place to avoid at all costs. There are many more problems than what was even posted. DO NOT GO THERE!!!!!

I however worked for one of their very few franchised units located in Dalian. If you have the luxury of being considered for that location jump on it. The owners are 2 awesome Chinese ladies who are very professional and treat their foreign teachers like gold. Their pay is off the scale for the area, strive to stay completely legal with regards to visas, both speak fluent English and the office doors are always open to you. You would be extremely hard pressed to find a better place to work in China's myriad of offerings.

That being said though they are bound by contract with the corporate office, which is hazardous to the owners who I feel bad for. The curriculum is fair but not as great as they would like to boast.

#2 Parent Ian - 2013-04-15
Re: Best Learning, Beijing

A healthy dose of skepticism is in order when talking with any HR people, in any industry, anywhere. Even the ones who are honest themselves may be getting fed bullshit by the departments with which they work, or may not understand them enough to give you good information. I mean, even if they didn't have incentives to bullshit people, it'd still be a minefield.

There are companies in China that are more honest than others. There are some that are honest enough to even have ALL teachers in a center renew their contracts. Due to some stuff, I passed up on that one and chose one which is just good enough that people don't routinely quit before the end of their contract, and never because they've had it with the company's bullshit.

Best Learning has a few real artists working for them, and among their founders, though. I mean, inveterate liars, not just opportunistic ones. (Maggie, if you're still working there, and you're reading this, I'm talking about you. You're welcome.)

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