Return to Index › Adwaa Rabia - Saudi Academy scam
#1 Parent Xena - 2013-02-28
Re: Adwaa Rabia - Saudi Academy scam

Would this Saudi company happen to be a Saudi Aramco ? A colleague is in the process of applying should I warn him against it ?

Stephen - 2013-02-27
Adwaa Rabia - Saudi Academy scam

I strongly urge you avoid this recruiter and school. They promised compound living, free wi fi, gym, pool, medical insurance etc. None of them have materialised after 6 months. Work load has risen from 4 contact hours (as stated in the contract) to 6. The salary has never been paid on time and there is always a discrepancy as overtime is not paid. All contact with Saudi Academy's head , Mohammed Saad and his underling, Ahmed RaƩf, is futile as one is only fed more empty promises. Dr Cara Watson of Adwaa Rabia has been informed but one thinks that after a recruiting company has sold a teacher on, they was their hands of the teacher. In short, 3 teachers have left, one requires urgent medical treatment that will be paid out of his own pocket and we were informed yesterday that our vacations, as stated in the contract, were void.

In short, steer clear of this recruiter and be wary of those who promise work for a Saudi Oil Company.

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