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#1 Parent Banana Hooligan - 2014-03-28

That is what they do to sell their main product - the course. The jobs you will be given are mostly crap anyway, but you will find out only later.

#2 Parent justaguy - 2014-03-28

It's silly to ask that teachers get a TESOL for a job as menial as esl teaching. Just another way to scam people.

#3 Parent Hiromy - 2014-03-28

Thanks for answering and giving me advice about this company. I also did my research and read that Tesol-online is a scam. There were comments about people who paid and never heard from them again. The website has been up for only a year and I read that there is no information about the person who handles it. They will offer you a great job, giving you all the details but never mentioning what school is the one interested in hiring you and telling you that you have to pay the placement package in order to continue.

#4 Parent Banana Hooligan - 2014-03-21

Hi, give us the details regarding that site (URL). Your name sounds Japanese. FYI, it is not normal for Sweden to hire ESL teachers from abroad,. It might be s scam, so be careful and don't pay anything when they ask for it!

Hiromy - 2014-03-21

Hello! Has anyone ever heard of TESOL? Last week they answered my request to teach English in Sweden but I´m still not very convinced because I really don´t know that much about the way they work or if it is trustworthy. I would really appreciate it if someone had any information about this site.

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