Return to Index › Dali Experimental Primary School, Dali, Foshan, Nanhai
#1 Parent Mark Wheeler - 2013-11-23
Re: Dali Experimental Primary School, Dali, Foshan, Nanhai

The reason he returned was because I was working there and he was under the impression that I was going to stay. We got along quite well and the gig there was a lot easier than his previois school that he left after 6 months because it was too much hard work. In my email to you I will be quoting the American guy so dont go o the fact that you have been provided with his details. It means nothing, really think Kevin hasnt asked him to speak to you and he's stuoid enough to rock the boat for himself whilst working there. We were all asked to do this, with a knowing wink of what it will mean if we dont help.

#2 Parent David Ferguson - 2013-11-21
Re: Dali Experimental Primary School, Dali, Foshan, Nanhai

I've been talking to a guy there called Kevin, head of the international dept. The deal he set out seems great, good salary, free accommodation, free Chinese lessons...I'm still thinking to go there next year. I've seen pics of the school and been given the email of an American who still works there. In fact the American guy left and went back for a second time, it cant be as 'fuk-king' bad you made it seem.

#3 Parent Mark Wheeler - 2013-11-05
Re: Dali Experimental Primary School, Dali, Foshan, Nanhai

Apologies for the grammatical errors. What I failed to point out in my earlier post were the reasons why I didnt put anymore information about the problems at this school. The reason is because I realy dont want them to learn from their mistakes. I asked for help and gave advice and sugguestions enough when I was there, of which most were ignored and I really wont start to help them any further by listing all their mistakes for them to only learn from then. I will on the other hand happily tell you exactly what kind of place it is, how you will be treated by managers and other teachers and what types of so called teachers and degenerates they will employ so that they can have a white (or nearly white) face on a poster to keep the parents happy.

Mark Wheeler - 2013-11-05
Dali Experimental Primary School, Dali, Foshan, Nanhai

Well what can I say other than fuk-king terrible. If you want an honest appraisal of my experience with this school, including quotes from other teahers and photographic evidence please feel free to email me。

If you dont care and are happy to put up with any crap and any kind standards, then feel free to ignor my first hand experience at this school.

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