Return to Index › Re: Is Woodwine Willie really just a Chinese guy?
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-05
Re: Is Woodwine Willie really just a Chinese guy?

The problem is, some are legit and just running away from political enemies that took offence to them acquiring wealth without their support, you get the same situation with some of the Russians. I guess, if they are going to pay our taxes and invest in our countries... We should lay down the red carpet for them if they are of good character.

However, as we have found in many cases, some are not. Dare I say that, Bo GuaGua brought the reputation of Chinese international students into disrepute recently. There are some Chinese international students that wish to acquire foreign citizenship through marriage or long-term residency in order to give their corrupt parents s place to stash ill-gotten money. I feel sorry for some of the students as they aren't really aware of their parent's true intentions, although one friend told me about a student of his whose mother owned a rather notorious KTV chain, her Dad was a bit dodgy and pretty much understood that it was required for her to get out of China ASAP. The explanation given was rather vague, but aren't they always?

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