Return to Index › Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!
#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-21

It's a good thing to sleep with the students

The phrase, do not s**t in your own swimming pool, or to use a quote you used, do not grumble, well it could apply to this. Students are just that, seek a GF elsewhere, now I expect to hear how it is ok to drink, smoke, sh*g students, just because it is in China, and you don't have to behave as you do at home and so on.

#2 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-21

Well, I have to disagree with that. I think most universities would be unhappy if their FT's were bonking their own students. If the woman is older, like a post-grad, nobody cares. Most FT's think it is wrong to have sex with their own students, however, I think if the girl is a student from a different department at an FT's uni, even a 20 or 21 year old student, it is ok.

#3 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-20

Won't even need to use QQ I think. Plenty of students who will sleep with FT's for free, or at least 100 to 200 kui. Just got to ask in private. Chicken feed for us older blokes. I would not use QQ or any technology. Then there is a trail. As we know, Chinese are hypoctites. If Chinese men sleep with students it is ok, but if we do it we are trash and immoral. Pathetic! Need to keep it secret.

It's a good thing to sleep with the students but I maintain you still need QQ to arrange it all. All the students beaver away on QQ-Mobile in their dorms. It's best to use QQ on Linux if you don't want to be spied upon-I did put a short tutorial on this site how to do that.

I think you are being unfair to the Chinese; they usually turn a blind eye to discreet FT's beefing students.

#4 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-20

Won't even need to use QQ I think. Plenty of students who will sleep with FT's for free, or at least 100 to 200 kui. Just got to ask in private. Chicken feed for us older blokes. I would not use QQ or any technology. Then there is a trail. As we know, Chinese are hypoctites. If Chinese men sleep with students it is ok, but if we do it we are trash and immoral. Pathetic! Need to keep it secret.

#5 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-19

Haha, that's quite funny. I actually did know an FT from USA who used a stopwatch when visiting pink rooms in Nanning: He said he only got 45 mins service instead of the 60 mins he paid for. True story, the girls got pissed off with him and chased him along Sixian lu whilst throwing various objects at him! Anyway, you might be waiting a while to find those tinnies, a bit like WMD in Iraq methinks!

Haha, yes that was funny. As for pink rooms, I can never see the need, there's plenty of young ladies in their twenties who need a bit of extra cash- maybe 2-300 yuan a night- you don't actually have to resort to professional whores-but you do have to resort to QQ to arrange these things..and every-body is a winner-am I right or am I right?

#6 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-19

Haha, that's quite funny. I actually did know an FT from USA who used a stopwatch when visiting pink rooms in Nanning: He said he only got 45 mins service instead of the 60 mins he paid for. True story, the girls got pissed off with him and chased him along Sixian lu whilst throwing various objects at him! Anyway, you might be waiting a while to find those tinnies, a bit like WMD in Iraq methinks!

#7 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-18

If the maxwell poster is silverboy's secretary, you must be the obsessive stalker who secretly wants silverboy's love. After all how could you possibly know so many of his real life details, or did you make that up in your own fantasy?

Cor blimey, gov, you have me sussed out...but not exactly, but you're near enough for me to own up to you- It's not actually Silverboy's love that I'm pursuing him for, no, it's his stash of tinnies. This is what happened; some time ago Silverboy had to flee China. It came to pass that he had upset a 'pink room lady' by making her pay for her own noodles-she felt humiliated, so in her fury she spilled the beans as to Silverboy's whereabout to the Grovelling Weasels. He was tipped off by a chum that a whole nate of GW's was bearing down on him with evil intent. He quickly harnessed a donkey and cart and made for the coast. Now somewhere on the way, he left the road and managed to hide a huge stash of tinnies(Aussie lager;) we know that much- WE WANT THAT LAGER, and will share it out among Chinese school owners whom he has upset over the years. Far enough?

#8 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-18

Your mandate seems to be plenty of spin to transform this rough diamond we all know and love for his priceless wisdom, like " Bonk that student ASP" to a well-bred refined Australian(contradiction in terms Hahaha) to one born to mix with the rich and famous and definitely avoid the Hoi polloi and the pink-roomed establishments which he used to enigmatically frequent.

If the maxwell poster is silverboy's secretary, you must be the obsessive stalker who secretly wants silverboy's love. After all how could you possibly know so many of his real life details, or did you make that up in your own fantasy?

#9 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-18

One point of yours I disagree with, the bit about the free flat and a few thousand rmb. I know FT's who are wealthy who live in uni provided accomodation. Why pay for something when you can get it for free? Especially if you can get free electricity and gas also, a good deal if you ask me.

SB always said he taught in China just for the visa, and the teaching gave him something to do during the day from Monday to Thursday. I suspect there are many FT's like him out there.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-18

There was a story I read some years back about a french fruit picker who got easy work teaching at kindergartens in China, married a chinese wife, and vowed never to return to a life of drudgery picking fruit in france.

You make a fair point.

#11 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-17

I remember many Chinese women did not like SB. They knew he had money, and women from lower socio-economic backgrounds would try to persue him. After a while they worked out they would get nothing from him. Very naive of them as far as I am concerned. If you are earning 800 to 1000rmb a month then how can you expect to socialize with wealthy foreigners? I don't think Silverboy was arrogant or selfish. It was his money to spend however he liked. Professional laowai men in China should mix with professional Chinese women.
SB always believed that people were responsible for their own financial security, and he despised those girls who would try to get free meals, clothes, shoes and money from laowai. Life is a two way street, Chinese women must also provide for themselves, he believed this, especially those lazy and greedy women, some of whom were first class English major students who refused to do anything with their skills. It is infuriating to Chinese people when they see a laowai spend 250rmb on a meal. It is something most of them can only dream of.

I also heard SB is in the Philippines now [edited]

Hello Maxwell
You seem to have set yourself up as SB's press secretary? Your mandate seems to be plenty of spin to transform this rough diamond we all know and love for his priceless wisdom, like " Bonk that student ASP" to a well-bred refined Australian(contradiction in terms Hahaha) to one born to mix with the rich and famous and definitely avoid the Hoi polloi and the pink-roomed establishments which he used to enigmatically frequent. Mind you, we all miss him- please tell him to return to China where he belongs.

#12 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-17

Silverboy does seem affluent, but then why would he need a free flat and a few thousand rmb a month, if you see my point?

Yes....I see what you're driving at, San Mig; but to be honest, I have no reason to question that SB is indeed a monied individual. What I question is, should wealthy people like SB be taking up the jobs of FT's who need to make a living? It's a big moral dilemma...I suppose it's up to all of us to behave as our conscience allows us to.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-17

Thanks for your responses maxwell.

I remember many Chinese women did not like SB. They knew he had money, and women from lower socio-economic backgrounds would try to persue him.

On this we may never know. I have met many FT's during my nigh on 8 years in China, and I would say those who are independently wealthy are very much in the minority. I knew a 50 something aussie FT still living with his mum and dad back in australia, due to having no home. Yet he married a younger chinese women, and would ask to borrow a couple of hundred rmb off me from time to time for beer and cigarettes and snacks. Priorities, if you can't afford to get married, then don't. Silverboy does seem affluent, but then why would he need a free flat and a few thousand rmb a month, if you see my point? However, on this I suspect you are dead right.

After a while they worked out they would get nothing from him. Very naive of them as far as I am concerned. If you are earning 800 to 1000rmb a month then how can you expect to socialize with wealthy foreigners? I don't think Silverboy was arrogant or selfish. It was his money to spend however he liked. Professional laowai men in China should mix with professional Chinese women.

True, I agree. Just as educated western men should mix with educated chinese women. Bit hard to have a stimulating conversation with a girl who doesn't know much about the outside world, or the finer things in life.

SB always believed that people were responsible for their own financial security, and he despised those girls who would try to get free meals, clothes, shoes and money from laowai. Life is a two way street, Chinese women must also provide for themselves, he believed this, especially those lazy and greedy women, some of whom were first class English major students who refused to do anything with their skills. It is infuriating to Chinese people when they see a laowai spend 250rmb on a meal. It is something most of them can only dream of.

On this I am not sure. There are a lot of wealthy people (foreigners too) to whom 250 is nothing. Even those poor looking migrant worker blokes might have more saved on their bank cards than many FTs ever would have. See, people are very good at saving money here, and not spending 600 rmb a night in some flashy bar or dining on some fancy nosh in some italian restaurant. The wealthier locals, it is not a problem for them to splash the cash,most probably have overseas accounts and gold stocks anyway.

I do hope he is happy in the phils.

Yours Respectfully,
San Migs

#14 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-15

I remember many Chinese women did not like SB. They knew he had money, and women from lower socio-economic backgrounds would try to persue him. After a while they worked out they would get nothing from him. Very naive of them as far as I am concerned. If you are earning 800 to 1000rmb a month then how can you expect to socialize with wealthy foreigners? I don't think Silverboy was arrogant or selfish. It was his money to spend however he liked. Professional laowai men in China should mix with professional Chinese women.

SB always believed that people were responsible for their own financial security, and he despised those girls who would try to get free meals, clothes, shoes and money from laowai. Life is a two way street, Chinese women must also provide for themselves, he believed this, especially those lazy and greedy women, some of whom were first class English major students who refused to do anything with their skills. It is infuriating to Chinese people when they see a laowai spend 250rmb on a meal. It is something most of them can only dream of.

I also heard SB is in the Philippines now [edited]

#15 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-16
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

Nothing to add, you are just trolling for gambits.

#16 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-15
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

prob a Raoul Saloon nitwit from England

Proof? It could be a poster from any of the 4 regions of the UK, how do you know it is someone from Angles and Saxons land?

To be fair on Foxy Poster, San Mig, I think he was being diplomatic, having a certain English Poster in harm done, all good fun. To be even fairer, it must be rather annoying, these English FT's hobbling around China, sporting, no flaunting, Debit Cards, into which their substantial pensions are paid into- hahaha.

How's it going, San Mig; would you like to give us all an update to chew over?

#17 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-14

I think silverboy left China and is now enjoying life in the phillipines, perhaps working, or perhaps not and living off rental income in Australia. Either way, we may never know. It does seem certain he has left Nanning however.


#18 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-14
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

prob a Raoul Saloon nitwit from England

Proof? It could be a poster from any of the 4 regions of the UK, how do you know it is someone from Angles and Saxons land?

#19 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-14

Maybe Silverboy just got fed up with all the losers in the ESL field, and also with Chinese women, which I can totally understand. I knew him for a while in Wuhan, he would drop 500 or 600 rmb a night at Blue Sky sometimes. Also used to see him at Babel when I was in Nanning. It's amazing how many FT's have worked in both Wuhan and then Nanning. He used to complain about how Nanning women were so lazy, uneducated and stupid, and he was right on the money regarding Guangxi girls in my opinion.

It is indeed an amazing statistic.

Quite honestly, dear boy, I'm not impressed by rich FT's dropping 500 or 600 yuan a night at the Blue Danube Bar- FT jobs in China should be reserved for those who depend on the job for a livelyhood; especially when contempt is wantonly shown towards Chinese working girls in quibbling about who pays for a bowl of four yuan noodles. The unacceptable face of Western arrogance I would call it.

Perhaps Silverboy will yet rise like the phoenix Hahaha.

#20 Parent Alternate - 2013-03-14
Re: Better off leaving

Some of the foreign teachers you meet in China don't exactly inspire hope or optimism. It wouldn't bother these types to slander one another even though they are all slaving away their lives. The "advice" given by people to not apply western standards to China is just another way of saying to leave your own humanity behind when you come.

#21 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-14

Maybe Silverboy just got fed up with all the losers in the ESL field, and also with Chinese women, which I can totally understand. I knew him for a while in Wuhan, he would drop 500 or 600 rmb a night at Blue Sky sometimes. Also used to see him at Babel when I was in Nanning. It's amazing how many FT's have worked in both Wuhan and then Nanning. He used to complain about how Nanning women were so lazy, uneducated and stupid, and he was right on the money regarding Guangxi girls in my opinion.

#22 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-05
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

I don't blame him for ceasing posting. The number of GW assholes within and outside the Great Wall is a sad testament to the way the EFL industry has gone in recent times.

Too true, but these folks waste their own time deluding themselves into thinking they are helping a country develop, when in fact they are some of the most disposable people around.

#23 Parent Mancunian - 2013-03-05

Some GW asshole, prob a Raoul Saloon nitwit from England has had the cheek to suggest the Silver One has been driven away by snivelling, grovelling weasels

WOW! I must say, I have been having my suspicions regarding his departure. [edited]

#24 Parent foxy - 2013-03-05
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

Pity Silverboy has refrained from posting for a considerable period of time. I do wish he would return.
Some GW asshole, prob a Raoul Saloon nitwit from England has had the cheek to suggest the Silver One has been driven away by snivelling, grovelling weasels, of which there are too many teaching EFL here in the PRC.
I don't blame him for ceasing posting. The number of GW assholes within and outside the Great Wall is a sad testament to the way the EFL industry has gone in recent times.

#25 Parent Maxwell - 2013-03-05
Re: EF - whether foreign or local DOS - it will always be the worst language mill in China!!!!

Agreed Turnoi. DOS are rubbish whether they are Chinese or foreign/waiguoren. It really makes no difference. It's like comparing two pieces of dirty rubbish and arguing over which one is better! I also wish private language schools in China would just dissappear. I remember that guy Silverman who used to post here ,or whatever his name was, used to hate training schools, but he had good reason to in my opinion.

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