Return to Index › Re: Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technolgy / Wuxi Gongyi Xueyuan in Yixing (Jiangsu)
#1 Parent Thomas - 2012-12-26
Re: Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technolgy / Wuxi Gongyi Xueyuan in Yixing (Jiangsu)

Actually it is hard to be certain of facts when it's a bunch of BS to begin with if you catch my drift. Anyhow I am no longer interested in discussing this matter and I will not read anymore threads connected with this as I do not want to waste anymore of my time and energy with all this nonsense.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-23
Re: Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technolgy / Wuxi Gongyi Xueyuan in Yixing (Jiangsu)

She emailed me back a very clear explanation to most of what he had complained about in his review to my satisfactions as I was considering not coming because of the review but I am glad I did and that is the truth even if you believe it or not.

PHEW! Just goes to show, doesn't it? These reviews can be life-changers; you could have turned the job down on the strength of that review, and could have ended up dossing on The Charring Cross Embankment. I exaggerate, but you get my drift, I'm sure. We really all should be certain of our facts before we advise others, as the knock-on effects to individuals can be impossible to predict and often have serious detrimental consequences. A Gay Christmas to you ,Thomas.

#3 Parent Thomas - 2012-12-23
Re: Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technolgy / Wuxi Gongyi Xueyuan in Yixing (Jiangsu)

I am not trying to fool anyone and no one has paid me to write this review those accusations are totally absurd based on total nonsense, you sound jaded maybe you've been in China too long. First of all I wrote about what my experience at this school has been why should I BS about it? Your experience is yours and same with everyone else I'm not going to say it is BS but it is certainly not mine as everyone is different. Secondly the main reason I wrote the counter review to begin with was I felt the original review by "truth and justice" was a bit extreme complaining about every little thing concerning this school which in my experience I found none of it to be true. Before coming to this school I actually emailed that review to the person I had been communicating with at the school. She emailed me back a very clear explanation to most of what he had complained about in his review to my satisfactions as I was considering not coming because of the review but I am glad I did and that is the truth even if you believe it or not.

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