Return to Index › Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi
#1 Parent Former Teacher - 2012-07-09
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

In answer to your question, I was hired as a teacher. Teachers are responsible for a variety of tasks, which may include designing and implementing a curriculum. Teachers also share a professional responsibility for the safety of students and the well running of the institution.

There are national rules in China enacted by central and local government concerning public smoking and fire precautions, which educational institutions should adhere to.

Prospective teachers coming to China can read both our view points and decide for themselves if that institution is suitable for them.

Thank you for your contribution.

#2 Parent bootiddy - 2012-07-04
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Nicely worded post. Quick question: Did this school hire you as a “foreign expert” to implement a curriculum (or “teach”) or did they hire you to come to their school and lecture them on their institution and community shortcomings, personal and professional conduct and rules and regulations regarding smoking and fire safety?

If you look in your contract you should find the purpose of your employment. I’m just guessing that that school is not in the business of hiring arrogant teachers to come and tell them how they should act and run their school. Correct me if I’m wrong.

#3 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-19
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I have not been shamed. I did not use any vulgar or foul language. In my post, I started off by thanking you for your kudos . . .

#4 Parent me dozy - 2012-06-18
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Thank you moderator, for deleting that offensive word, thereby putting the
poster to shame

#5 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-18
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Kudos to the contributors with sensible posts!!


#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-18
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

never assume for it makes an
ASS out of U and ME...that's for your assumption that I belong to that
nationality. Talking about useful contributions eh....

Now you just gave away who you are.

And you really are a filipina GW, do not LIE!

#7 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-18
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Thank you, moderator, for deleting that offensive word, thereby putting the poster to shame.

#8 Parent me dozy - 2012-06-18
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

What has the materialistic nature of those filipinas got to do with their
credibility as teachers/educators?
And may I borrow a line from someone somewhere: never assume for it makes an
ASS out of U and ME...that's for your assumption that I belong to that
nationality. Talking about useful contributions eh....
Better get moving from here before I will be dragged down to the ground.

Kudos to the contributors with sensible posts!!!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I can't help but wonder why your feeling of animosity is so intense against this certain of

Fair enough. You have asked me to answer and I shall. I was dating a filipina girl during my time working in the gulf, the whole time I did not think she was materialistic nor the kind of girl who would do anything untoward. She never asked for money and so on, so maybe I had my guard down.

Turns out she was planning to marry an older british man all along, imagine my surprise.

The problem I have with the females of your nationality, is you are always looking for a better meal ticket, and don't care if that meal ticket is old and worn, as long as it is just that, a meal ticket.

And the poor filipina line, is just a myth. They would claim poverty yet couldn't wait at weekends to involve themselves in their favourite hobby of shopping for designer goods, be it Dubai or Muscat. Filipina women in China are much the same, but substitute HK for Dubai....

So when a filipina hooker on Nathan road asked me for 1,500 to have sex with her, I told her in vulgar terms, I will keep hold of my money, and you can go and f*** yourself....

There are my reasons.....

#10 Parent me dozy - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

What exactly are your useful contributions when it comes to filipina teachers (filipinas in
general)? Reading from the posts here and on the discussion forum, every time there's a mention
of them (filipinas), you always have acid/bitter words ready to hurl at them.
I can't help but wonder why your feeling of animosity is so intense against this certain of

#11 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I agree Africans may receive less, but then doesn't that say something about the system of education in China being inherently racist when it comes to the policies of hiring FT's?

#12 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Yes I saw that. Jiangxi normal ( new campus ) was near my college. It is a shame to see good school go out the window ! As per my alleged university, once before it was a very good. Many years ago the min of Ed raised the standard for university VS College and they lost everything... shame shame ! However I suspect it's due to non qualified teachers' both domestic and foreign.

#13 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

San Mig perhaps he was implying the lower pay rate most schools offer Philippino's Vs Anglo Saxons.. I have seen that many times.

#14 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Well with 7 years in teaching in higher institutions in China, I do consider myself a man of some experience in this area, and feel I do have useful knowledge to contribute.

As you are also an educator, I am sure you can agree, imparting knowledge and opinions is what it is all about.

#15 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

See San Mig many expats are looking at the big picture.. I agree -- I lost a job to an African based on salary.. How do I know ??? My ex students told me @ He was cheaper 1000 rmb per month.. Point noted yet ??

#16 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

The new campus caused a scandal, and I can say it is now dilapidated in an almost ruinous state.

The problem is jiangxi province has always had a static, largely illiterate peasant population.

One only has to look at the construction of buildings in Guangdong, to see that province is light years ahead of development compared with Jiangxi and Nanchang.

I reiterate my warning, do not go to teach in Nanchang. End of.

#17 Parent Former Teacher - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Hello Kanadian

Thank you for your reply. There are actually a few colleges and universities with the words Jiangxi, Science, Technology etc in their name, which are again not far from each other. I used to work at Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University. I understand now they are allowed to drop the word 'Normal' from their name. This [university] has an old campus and a new campus, because some time ago Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University and Nanchang College merged. This proved to be its undoing, from which is has not recovered. The new campus caused a scandal, and I can say it is now dilapidated in an almost ruinous state.

#18 Parent me dozy - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I thought you are more informed and open minded. Wrong, you are so ignorant and bitter on your continuous mockery and generalization on filipinas.
Now, I am ready for your "words of wisdom" and those of your supporters too. Fire it all out.

#19 Parent me dozy - 2012-06-17
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

another uninformed [edited]?

#20 Parent Anderson - 2012-06-16
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I understand they are now mostly employing teachers from the Philippines.
[Former Teacher]

Filipina teachers will lie down like a doormat, and accept this cultural revolution style treatment, as to them 4,500 rmb and a free flat is like finding their meal ticket.
[San Migs]

They “will lie down like a doormat” - they have no choice since they can’t get jobs in their own country whose institutions of higher learning are, as a matter of fact, not as good as those in developed countries. This bespeaks the quality of the faculty of Jiangxi Science and Technology University. As a university per se, it has not attracted teachers of the highest caliber.

#21 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-15
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Nanchang is just a hellhole, and disliked by other chinese, as are the nanchang people.

Absolutely nothing to redeem that city, and FT's are far better off working in the south or smaller and nicer second tier cities.

Just my two mao...

#22 Parent Kanadian - 2012-06-15
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

WOW I was in Nanchang last year, I was told Jiangxi Science was a very good university.. It's sad to see them go down hill just to save some money

#23 Parent San Migs - 2012-06-14
Re: Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

I understand they are now mostly employing teachers from the Philippines.

A sure sign of desperation, and proof that no western FT will touch the place with a bargepole.

Filipina teachers will lie down like a doormat, and accept this cultural revolution style treatment, as to them 4,500 rmb and a free flat is like finding their meal ticket.

Glad you got out!

Former Teacher - 2012-06-14
Jiangxi Science and Technology University - Nanchang, Jiangxi

Nothing has changed at this university. I understand they are now mostly employing teachers from the Philippines. It is now not a [Normal] University.

This end of term report will hopefully assist teachers to decide if they are considering taking up a post at this university.

Jiangxi Science & Technology University
Fenglin Road
Nanchang Economic & Technology Development Zone
Jiangxi Province
There is also a new campus with a different address.

2010 to 2011 Term 2

End of Term 2 Report: Jiangxi Science & Technology University, Nanchang, Jiangxi

All hitherto end-of-term reports from overseas teachers to date have been an exercise in futility.

The immediate challenge facing this [university] is to break out of the peasant system / methods and particularly peasant mentality, which purvey the whole institution, and become aware of the demographic and social changes happening in China. This university fails to break out of the mentality one finds in Chinas countryside education system: wholesale failure to communicate internally / lack of communication channels / secrecy and obfustication / uncommunicative and ill-qualified managers /a lack of awareness facing Chinas education system / ignorance and complacency concerning smoking in public areas creating diabolical and unacceptable health risks / cars driven and parked in pedestrianized areas disregarding the safety of students / students lacking basic skills / students lacking classroom skills / poor levels of English and poor levels of education and foreign culture from teachers, managers, leaders and students; above all poor levels of teaching. The combined management of this university are out-of-touch, detached from the realities of China and incapable of managing.

Both senior and junior managers fail to manage this institution and bring it in line with modern educational thinking, and on too many occasions place themselves above the needs of teachers and particularly students. All managers, Deans etc have successfully distance themselves and their inadequacies from overseas teachers, and successfully use co-teachers as a buffer to augment that distance. Overseas teachers have been successfully detached from this university and are institutionally perceived as entertainers only.

Case in point: I was not given my timetable until approximately 12.00 noon on the first day of teaching, after a prolonged, stressful argument involving three people behaving overwhelmingly in my private apartment. I was eventually emailed a timetable, which was written in Chinese and was incomprehensible to me. I was asked to teach 17 hours a week. No instructions were given as to what I should teach, or the method of teaching preferred by my [university], except that it was up to me. 17 hours of English taught a week, but not a single book was given to either the students or myself. Again, with the end-of-term exams, my only instructions were that it was up to me. Students were ill-prepared to be taught by an overseas teacher. I have not seen or have been contacted by my Dean. The Dean of the School of Education, Zhang Yi Ming, who is English illiterate and is simply incapable of running and organising an education department, which requires working with overseas teachers. My co-teacher, Tao Jun Ming proved to be as ineffective as Zhang Yi Ming, and conducted himself like a Jiangxi melon seller than a professional co-teacher. My second co-teacher Huang Man Yuan was merely an ignis fatuus.

There is no system or strategy in place; there has never been a system or strategy in place, to assess and monitor the teaching standards of overseas teachers by professionals or the professionally trained. The only instance of any attempt at monitoring is of an undisclosed, secretive questionnaire, which students are required to complete. Students provide the only critique of overseas teachers teaching performance, sometimes guided by managers, and therefore students successfully channel their subjective dislike of overseas teachers though the questionnaire backed up again by undisclosed, secretive complaints, which allows for unquestioned and unproven rumours to circulate, which are eventually considered as facts. Students are allowed to complain directly against overseas teachers; the complaints are not investigated and knowledge of the complaint is purposely withheld from overseas teachers only to be used as a tool for condemnation at a later date, when the university feels the need to strike. This method is a direct descendant of the practices identified with Chinas repressive Cultural Revolution to intimidate and harass teachers.

At this university there is no sense or awareness from the managers of what they are doing is wrong; managers lack the education, management skills, quality experience and specifically the intelligence to implement a modern and workable system of fairly and compassionately recording teaching performances by overseas teachers, alongside their Chinese colleagues, and dealing with legitimate complaints fairly.

I created and distributed my own fair and unbiased assessment questionnaire, which was ignored by a complacent and ignorant management.

Under the recent management of Zhang Kan [a.k.a. John Kent], the Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) has not unexpectedly become dysfunctional and unpleasant. Since Zhang Kans arrival, levels of English, levels of foreign cultural knowledge, levels of professionalism and levels of care have plummeted to a new low, with most overseas teachers preferring not to extend their employment contracts. Currently Quan Hong [Joanna] is Acting Director of FAO, due to Zhang Kans long term illness, and carries a surreal belief in her position. The FAO has made a determined effort not to understand or accept basic employees Rights and needs, such as being treated equally with a sense of fairness. The FAO, under Zhang Kans and Quan Hongs leadership, has simply joined in the superficiality with which overseas teachers are employed at this institution to the detriment of students education. The FAO cannot articulate why they are employing overseas teachers, but merely do so because they are told to.

My request to become familiar with the new anti-smoking regulations, concerning smoking at work and specifically at educational institutions, which have come into force throughout China, continues to be ignored by the Foreign Affairs Office, which has proved relentlessly that it is incapable of communicating necessary and important information in a timely manner; and has since admitted that the university has no plans, no initiative, no ideas, no motivation to address the very real smoking hazards at this institution. Ying Wen Huan (Joey) has admitted that the [university] believes itself to be powerless to stop students and teachers smoking in the teaching buildings and public places on campus, despite recent regulations being enacted by Chinas central government.

I would, however, continue to recommend that fire precautions in the teaching buildings, particularly at the new campus, be given due consideration, as I continue to see locked fire doors, broken or missing fire escape signs, an absent fire evacuation plan in each building and on each floor and; an absence of emergency instructions for teachers; smoking continues by both teachers and students contributing to an unacceptable fire and health risk with complete disregard to new regulations concerning smoking in educational institutions; and questionable fire escape procedures.

I would not recommend this [university] to any other teacher.

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