#1 Parent cindy - 2010-01-07

i've been reading the posted blogs regarding the said company and i myself agree with evrybody except johan's blog that are all lies.i worked in the same company like them. working in the said company you need to work like a machine and you can't earn money. why? the company is corrupt. and watch out for lucy she steal your money when it's pay day especially those who are working in the other cities, lucy takes a small percentage of your money before sending it so when you recieve there's missing that maggie called it as deductions.

beware of maggie coz she portrays an angelic face but she is a devil. she will tell you a lot of good things will happen but it's all lies. she just wanna use you and at the end she will destroy you.

beware of miss WANG, when she talks to you she will tell you that they control evrybody like the police and authorities, that they are not afraid coz they have connection with them. those are all lies. she just want to scare you not to go and report them to the police. another thing, they are set teachers against each other. i'll give you an exmple: they will tell you something bad that according to them another teacher told them, that bad issue regarding them or the company. they will try you,thats how they use their power. just don't trust anyone in the office.

#2 Parent Spanky - 2009-12-30

Well done, Kevin :) The more teachers intimidate these misbegotten whelps instead of being intimidated by them the better all our working conditions will be. I just got an interesting unsolicited recruitment email from them. Will elaborate over the weekend when I've got free time :)

#3 Parent Alex - 2009-12-08

I have been reading all your posts. I worked for tianshuo for a little more than a year, how dumb was I to believe they would cancel my visa, and that they would put the police on me. But those were all lies. lets name them:

(and KIKI who is in jail now, because they bailed mama wang but they didn't bail her out)

I had to leave china and get a new visa again, this time with a working permit and an invitation letter, so read carefully : DONT TRUST ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU TO COME TO CHINA JUST WITH A TOURIST VISA AND THEY WILL CHANGE TO A WORKING ONE THERE. IT IS A LIE: in order to work LEGALLY in china you MUST have an invitation letter and working permit, this last one is only provided by each province's government, and no one else.

I have seen it all: tianshuo went from having more than 150 teachers to have less than 10 at the present day. Why? lies, lies, and more lies. I have been refused to get my salary, and to get my passport back. I had to call my embassy. Everything was broken in those sewer-stinky apartments, and for god's sake never ever trust chinese handymen. Nevertheless, I have seen hard-working easy-going adult people (+60 yrs old) getting f*cked around by these people for months, even years. I have seen how those assistants they hire for no longer than 3 months do all the dirty work for them, and when you go to complain to the boss, they all dissapear (including the boss).

Ill cut the crap:

I never got a full schedule, not even 20 hours a week.
I never got a full salary, they would be always stealing money from me.
I never got that famous "release letter".
When I left, they chased me around the city saying that I owed them money (regardless of the fact that they didn't pay me my last salary).
and so much other crap that I don't want to remember.

be aware of your chances before coming to work in china.

#4 Parent Kevin - 2009-02-25

Folks, the best thing to do if you're stuck with these f***ers, is to wait for a vacation, ask for your passport (which'll only have a 30 day visa) and do a runner. Get a trusted friend to buy train tickets outta there and head for Beijing or Shangai and dissappear into the vastness of China. This is what an American friend and I did, and since, I've seen nothing but bad news. Good luck to all and I hope you've all managed to escape with all you deserve and were owed by the mongrels. With mama Wang, I found that pounding my fist into her desk worked wonders and produced a decent wad of Yi Bai kuai notes, all of which was shortchanged until I leaned in a little closer and said something not too nice to her....which quickly produced the rest of my hard earned money.

#5 Parent Kaye - 2007-04-06

Just a correction, I'm still very much connected with this company but can't wait to get the hell out of here. The future has become bleaker than how it's ever been. Another correction, the faces of the people who run this company are in no way "angelic" but rather "demonic". Their faces are horrible much more their attitudes and motives. And those people who feed on their evil plans and connive with them are no greater than dogs. Oh, im sorry...atleast dogs can be trusted..they could be your bestfriends...but "these people"...nahhh they will eat you alive. To my fellow foreign teachers who are still working for this company, BEWARE with these people whose initials are: V, L, J, B and others whose faces are hard to trust by the first sight of them.

#6 Parent Ashley - 2007-04-06

Tianshuo Company, as i observed for the past days, has been lambasted many times over in this site and i am wondering if those allegations have truth in them. This company, so far, was reduced to an animal no higher than a beast. Another thing to wonder about is that, despite the negative feedbacks this company is getting, no one has ever stepped up to atleast defend this company nor counter the allegations. Any one could conclude then that everything written against TIANSHUO is TRUE. Where are the "followers" of this company when you needed them? Perhaps, they are still contemplating on how they would "clear" and "clean" Tianshuo's image. Or perhaps there is nothing to clean. Perhaps, it's also true that Maggie, Kiki, Mrs. Wang, Michelle and Lucy are liars, "demonic" and money-sucking B******. The latest that i've heard about this Lucy is that she corrupts some money from teachers whenever she deposits their salaries. She removes certain amounts of money, say 30 or 40 RMB from each teacher. Just imagine if she takes 30 or 40 rmb from each teacher AND lets say there are 75 foreign teachers in Tianshuo...what would that make? You can do the Math. Be careful Lucy, these teachers know what you're doing. They are not as ignorant as what you and the company think them to be.

#7 Parent LUCY - 2007-04-05

Trev, Kaye and Girly are but a few of my colleagues who had been with Tianshuo and dared to be heard by this forum. I STRONGLY AGREE! This company offers a very promising salary of 4000-7000 rmb, good accommodation, & even refers itself as "your second home" to its recruits but mind you ...everything is a LIE! Heaps and thousands of lies! Dont ever dare or risk stepping in the lobby of the 21st Century Building in Changchun (where their office is located). Beware of recruiters named Michelle, Christina, Theresa...they are all one and the same MAGGIE or KIKI. Beware of their angelic faces and sweet, convincing words. I'm talking from experience: they will try their best to persuade you but after you signed and let them process your visa, you will wonder why on earth will they deprive you of your passport afterwards? I pity the Tianshuo personnel! How ignorant of them not to know the very basic RIGHT to hold your legal document. And how they manage to refer their company as the highest accredited by the Foreign Affairs Bureau in Jilin Province??? You will have a hard time- really hard time getting it back even until you finish your contract ( of course because they used it for some car deals with their Japanese friends). Then they will let you live in a "pigpen" and from there you will get the shock of you life in China! I may say Tianshuo has become mentally incapacitated for its greed for money! SO TO ALL FOREIGN TEACHERS OUT THERE, BEWARE OF THE OPPORTUNIST-MONEY SUCKING TIANSHUO COMPANY IN JILIN PROVINCE! IT'S THE WORST AMONG THE WORSE!

#8 Parent eyak - 2007-03-30

There is no future in this company. Despite of it, still many foreign teachers in this company recruit more teachers to join. And the reward? IS A "VERY BIG" INCREASE IN THEIR SALARY. It must be very big 'cause these people can sacrifice their friends/other people and put them in danger. What a pity! These people can go to any extent just to gain more money. I just hope and would really pray hard that i wont be mixed with or live with these kinds of people. WARNING: "stay away from these people, they are dangerous". They are NO DIFFERENT from the people who run and manage TIANSHUO COMPANY. " WELL, IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE".

#9 Parent Kaye - 2007-03-29

I totally agree with Trev and Girly. This company known as Tianshuo which is located in Changchun is nothing but a threatening and blood-sucking company. It's best interest is to make money out of their poor teachers. The salary this company give (which is 2500 RMB)is the lowest ever given in Jilin, if not the whole China. One thing this company do, which i dread the most, is them holding the passport of their teachers. For the information of the people who run this company: YOU HAVE NO ANY RIGHT OF WHATEVER SORT TO KEEP OR WITHHOLD PASSPORTS nor USE THOSE PASSPORTS TO BUY CARS FROM JAPAN. Another thing that i also dread is what a significant number of teachers do just to gain the confidence of the company at the expense of their fellow countrymen/teachers. This number kisses "asses" to the extent of putting other teachers in an uncompromising situation JUST to get more DAQIAO classes. Each DAQIAO class is worth 35 RMB. Of course, Daqiao Foreign Language School pays high. Tianshuo gets more.

As of now, many teachers are still "school-less" and are crowding at 21st. Four of five people sleep in ONE bed and are charged 10 RMB per night. But despite the fact that many teachers don't have school yet, the company is still recruiting more teachers. I'm just wondering where they will DUMP those new recruits when they come.

#10 Parent girly - 2007-03-27

I agree with Trev. I've been working under tianshou company for one year and i just endure what they've been doing to their teachers. They cheated, neglected, and treated their teachers like robots. Before working under the company, they promised many good things like free accomodation, a travel allowance, free working visa and the like. But it seems everything is a lie. It's true, they provide appartment, but what kind of appartment? A flat with no water, electricity, and a flat which stinks. And the worst is they will hold your passport, which is illegal.To work under them it seems you are in prison. You cannot even complain coz they will just tell you that here in iChina it works that way, which is bullshit. In addition, in Jilin Province, this company is the cheapest one to give a salary. Not even half of the regular pay for a foreign teacher. So please, anyone who wish to come here in China to work, never ever go to Tianshou Company in Changchun city, Jilin Province. If you don't like to be a prisoner, please don't go to this company.

#11 Parent Trev - 2006-10-31

For anyone wishing to have your passport mishandled and used to import cars from Japan, please sign the completely meaningless contract this company offers. Currently based in Changchun and also known as Tianshu, they misuse passports and frequently claim they are perfectly within their rights to hold YOUR PASSPORT as insurance against a private debt. They also use scare tactics for anyone wishing to leave due to their (the company's) failure to fulfil the contract. Oh, they also will tell their teachers that they have special rights to change the visa you hold if you decide to leave the company - not true.
Avoid this company and the glistening (albeit mispelled and gramatically retarded) reviews issued by mysterious identities who have never been heard of by the (often mentally deficient) employees.

Johan - 2005-02-25

I sometimes read remarks about some schools, recruiters and then I wonder how much of is truth or how much is garbage....
Myself and more than 70 other foreign teachers work for Tianshuo, and we are happy.
I contacted, sorry tried to contact, one of this so-called complainers, and I got through to a Chinese company, makes you think, doesn't it.
Tianshuo, cares for its teachers, and believe in an open door policy, they frequently asks for feedback, to make life easier for its teachers....remember This is China !!, and many teachers have a problem to adapt after the initial holiday feeling. When they realize that they have to work to earn money, and that Chinese students are keen to study.
SO for all the teachers who think to come to China and TEACH, I personally recommend Tianshuo in Changchun..they are the best.
Johan. (and this is my real name, for the people who want to write or complain, use your real name)


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