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#1 Parent Alan - 2009-08-08
Re: Nanchang University of Aeronautics ne Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology - ESL schoo

Well, I'm sorry for having an opinion about Nanchang that concurs with yours.

And , well, hell, I'm sorry for wanting a bit of quality of life that Nanchang doesn't offer. And no, a murky river, with a giant ferris wheel, doesn't equate quality of life. Yes my farmers comment was out of order, I realise that now. But from witnessing the behaviour of people from Nanchang both on the plane there, and the airport bus, I'm amazed I gave it the chance I did, but I guess not everyone is bad there.

I still maintain that the conditions at the unis out in hong gu tang, are simply unacceptable, and a lot of deceit is going on to lure foreign teachers to the city, on the pretence, that they are in the city,,,,and let's face it, there are better cities in China.

But if you like it there, fair play. Nothing personal against you.

#2 Parent WOLF TOTEM - 2009-08-05
Re: Nanchang University of Aeronautics ne Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology - ESL schoo

I'm sorry to say but Nanchang is an absolute armpit, it's the capital of a province of farmers, filled with farmers, enough said. The wal mart has nothing in the way of expat food, the nightlife is limited as far as I can see to escape bar, yes there are MCds and KFC but not in the uni district out in hong gu tang (?) where you will most likely be posted, and have to take a rickety shabby bus for an hour or over just to get to a very dissapointing city filled with peasants.

Oh, it does have the second largest square in China, and perhaps the rudest staff at a Xinjiang restaurant near the biggest armpit of a railway station I've ever seen in China, so I suppose you could call those....attractions !?!?

Not for a newbie to all. Be warned.

If you want to know more, I'd gladly email anyone.

Let's hope that future newbies use their heads and do due diligence before choosing a city where they want to teach. Perhaps, you might have done the same......rather than ignorantly accepting a position in a place that you find objectionable. I'm afraid you will have to alter your thinking - one point three billion people will not alter their way life to suit you.

You dislike farmers. Obviously, it has never occurred to you that some people consider 'farmers' the backbone of China and are acutely interested in them. This sounds like it might be just the 'spot' for those who seek knowledge, adventure and want a finger on the pulse of China's heart - farmers.

Adventure and 'roughing it, are not for everyone, certainly not for yourself.

#3 Parent Alan - 2009-08-04
Re: Nanchang University of Aeronautics ne Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology - ESL schoo

I'm sorry to say but Nanchang is an absolute armpit, it's the capital of a province of farmers, filled with farmers, enough said. The wal mart has nothing in the way of expat food, the nightlife is limited as far as I can see to escape bar, yes there are MCds and KFC but not in the uni district out in hong gu tang (?) where you will most likely be posted, and have to take a rickety shabby bus for an hour or over just to get to a very dissapointing city filled with peasants.

Oh, it does have the second largest square in China, and perhaps the rudest staff at a Xinjiang restaurant near the biggest armpit of a railway station I've ever seen in China, so I suppose you could call those....attractions !?!?

Not for a newbie to all. Be warned.

If you want to know more, I'd gladly email anyone.

#4 Parent Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology - 2007-03-27
Re: Nanchang University of Aeronautics ne Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology - ESL school review

Dear "Tim", or should I call you Fr....s?

You seem disgruntled, despite that fact that you've been working for us for 4 years now...

We don't hire fewer foreigner teachers because of the money, but because it's difficult to get them.

If we ask one of your colleagues to teach at another department, and he/she agrees with that, then, of course, several teaching hours become vacant.

However, that doesn't mean that you HAVE to take them, but you did and you got paid extra for that. All changes in the contract were agreed upon by BOTH parties.

We hope that in the future you discuss your unhappiness with us, not with this website.

Tim - 2007-03-05
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