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Former FT in China - 2016-11-18

First off, let me say EF Dalian has a lot of good things. Great colleagues, great teaching materials. I enjoy teaching at this school.

However there is a massive problem with the investor of the school. Teachers fulfil their contracts and when it's time to move on to other schools or jobs EF Dalian refuses to give people their papers necessary to be allowed to work for the next company essentially blackmailing teachers by saying "if you don't work for us, you will have to return home". One teacher, who worked for EF Dalian for 5 years and was by all records a very good teacher, was refused his papers and has had to go to Hong Kong indefinitely to sort out visa etc for his next employment. There are also other teachers who have also fulfilled their contract obligations and who need their papers for next job starting but the investor is refusing to provide them. They have given papers to teachers, but only the teachers they have sacked/fired or have not offered a new contract to. It doesn't really send the right message to current teachers, does it?

At this point, senior management (who are great normally) are refusing to stand up to the investor and these poor teachers will almost certainly have to return home because they weren't given the transfer papers needed for their next job. These papers are super easy to obtain - my last school provided them with no hassle when I found a job at another school.

So EF Dalian is a good school to work for but only if you intend to work their for the rest of your life! Otherwise I would find it hard to recommend working here - if you are a good teacher you simply will not be allowed to leave and therefore will be blackmailed to stay or return home.

There are other schools out there who are much more honest and friendly to their employees. Do your research.

Stop making excuses for EF. They are a rubbish language mill in China, always have been.

How about outside China?

Herr Doktor thinks they are a crap language mill worldwide. Do you agree with him?

And, do you really think the OP is making excuses for EF? Doesn't seem that way to me!

It could be a good gig for a foreigner who is an excellent teacher amd is determined to work in China for just 1/2 academic years. A similar arrangement to that that your country is offering European backpackers to tour OZ for up to 2 years laboring hard on farms, but for peanuts!

I recall you stating in the past it's OK for Chinese employers pissed off with FTs who wish to move on to new Chinese employers to obstruct the necessary procedure by forcing said FTs to exit and then re-enter China!

In contrast, I think that's appalling treatment of FTs! An unnecessary waste of their time and money if they wish to go on teaching in China!

Another point I will make is that Herr Dr has said if any ex TC employee is after a job at an educational establishment where he is part of the selection panel, he will do his best to prevent said jobseeker getting said job. No exceptions, not even gullible/greedy newbies whose first position in China was teaching at a language mill! Prejudice, I'd say!

Just for the record, I'm not a fan of TCs, but I can appreciate why some FTs choose to work for them!

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Re EF Dalian - to be avoided if you plan to stay in China long time -- Former FT in China -- 2016-11-18
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