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A Very Happy VIPKID Teacher - 2016-10-21
In response to Re VipKids in China (Chophouse)

I'm a 47 year old teacher who has been employed at VIPKID for over 2 months now, long enough to decided whether I like it or not, and whether or not it is a scam. Yes, I like it for the most part. They are not a scam, but I can see where it might not work for everyone. I don't understand where all the crappy reviews are coming from though. I have no problem getting bookings, I don't cancel classes because I am professional so I stick to my schedule and show up for class.

The first month I made $700+ dollars; the second month I made $1500. I have no problem teaching over 70 classes a month to get the bonus money. I have over 10 years of teaching experience in the public school system and I prefer teaching at VIPKID to that, if you must know, although I made a lot more money at public school teaching but that was all I did, I had no life. I'm serious about making a career out of teaching online and VIPKID is my first venture into it and so far I'm impressed, and pleasantly surprised. I think many of you sound like haters.

No one is paying me to write this review. This is honest and true, but believe what you want. Of course it remains to be seen, it's only been 2 months but it gets better every day.

Well stated. They are full of themselves. I've noticed many of their recruiters don't last
long teaching for VIP.

Messages In This Thread
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Re VipKids in China -- Lee Chen -- 2018-09-12
Re VipKids in China -- Reilly -- 2018-09-23
Re VipKids in China -- Chophouse -- 2016-10-02
Re VipKids in China -- Fiona Chase -- 2017-01-23
Re: Re VipKids in China -- The cat -- 2017-01-23
Re: Re VipKids in China -- Marc Ford -- 2017-05-10
Re: Re VipKids in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-10
Re VipKids in China -- A Very Happy VIPKID Teacher -- 2016-10-21
Re: Re VipKids in China -- Tst tst -- 2016-10-21
Re VipKids in China -- J -- 2016-09-21
Re VipKids in China -- Deborah -- 2016-11-19
Re VipKids in China -- Kevin -- 2016-04-20
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Re VipKids in China -- P.T. Barnum -- 2016-02-29
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Re VipKids in China -- Michelle -- 2018-09-06
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Re VipKids in China -- Welsh Rarebit -- 2018-08-29
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Re VipKids in China -- Katie -- 2016-02-29
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Re VipKids in China -- Educated Educator -- 2016-01-22
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Re VipKids in China -- chophouse -- 2016-04-09
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Re VipKids in China -- Amanda Henderson -- 2016-02-16
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Re VipKids in China -- Kristel -- 2016-07-28
Re VipKids in China -- UMICH -- 2016-08-12
Re VipKids in China -- Marie -- 2015-09-29
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