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jaywoodson - 2016-01-20
In response to VipKids in China (Shelly)


I have read through this thread and am considering applying to teach for VIPkid. I would like to know if anyone has information about whether the company hires non-white qualified native English-speaking teachers. I'm African American and have years of experience teaching in Asia, so I know how school's tend to be "selective" in terms of how they want their teachers to look.

I'm not here to argue whether it's wrong or not (it is indeed wrong, and I've spent a lot time bringing awareness to this issue), but I'd like to know if I should even apply if it's just going to be a waste of time.

Do any teachers of color have experiences--negative or positive--with VIPkid that they'd like to share?

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
VipKids in China -- Shelly -- 2015-09-28
Re VipKids in China -- Lee Chen -- 2018-09-12
Re VipKids in China -- Reilly -- 2018-09-23
Re VipKids in China -- Chophouse -- 2016-10-02
Re VipKids in China -- Fiona Chase -- 2017-01-23
Re: Re VipKids in China -- The cat -- 2017-01-23
Re: Re VipKids in China -- Marc Ford -- 2017-05-10
Re: Re VipKids in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-10
Re VipKids in China -- A Very Happy VIPKID Teacher -- 2016-10-21
Re: Re VipKids in China -- Tst tst -- 2016-10-21
Re VipKids in China -- J -- 2016-09-21
Re VipKids in China -- Deborah -- 2016-11-19
Re VipKids in China -- Kevin -- 2016-04-20
Re VipKids in China -- Katie -- 2016-02-29
Re VipKids in China -- Janet Wyatt -- 2016-07-05
Re VipKids in China -- lcarlymat -- 2016-04-24
Re VipKids in China -- P.T. Barnum -- 2016-02-29
Re VipKids in China -- jaywoodson -- 2016-01-20
Re VipKids in China -- Tiffany -- 2018-08-22
Re VipKids in China -- Michelle -- 2018-09-06
Re VipKids in China -- Welsh Rarebit. -- 2018-09-11
Re VipKids in China -- Welsh Rarebit -- 2018-08-29
Re VipKids in China -- notlob pieandpeas -- 2018-09-05
Re VipKids in China -- Katie -- 2016-02-29
Re VipKids in China -- wynch520 -- 2016-01-26
Re VipKids in China -- Educated Educator -- 2016-01-22
Re VipKids in China -- Rose -- 2016-01-22
Re VipKids in China -- Educated Educator -- 2016-01-22
Re VipKids in China -- Chris -- 2015-12-21
Re VipKids in China -- selena -- 2016-04-08
Re VipKids in China -- chophouse -- 2016-04-09
Re VipKids in China -- lucy88 -- 2016-04-13
Re VipKids in China -- Amanda Henderson -- 2016-02-16
Re VipKids in China -- Lisa -- 2016-02-23
Re VipKids in China -- janine -- 2016-01-03
Re VipKids in China -- Ian Bouystress -- 2016-01-06
Re VipKids in China -- Misty -- 2015-12-22
Re VipKids in China -- Matt -- 2015-12-21
Re VipKids in China -- Jan -- 2016-03-18
Re VipKids in China -- Vanessa -- 2015-12-18
Re VipKids in China -- Misty -- 2015-12-22
Re VipKids in China -- afletner -- 2016-03-02
Re VipKids in China -- Mell -- 2015-10-10
Re VipKids in China -- afletner -- 2016-03-02
Re VipKids in China -- Cindy -- 2016-08-15
Re VipKids in China -- Dawn -- 2016-09-07
Re VipKids in China -- Kristel -- 2016-07-28
Re VipKids in China -- UMICH -- 2016-08-12
Re VipKids in China -- Marie -- 2015-09-29
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