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HerpityDerp - 2015-11-07

Training Centers are notorious cheater organisations, they scam teachers etc but I dont know what's so demoralizing about the actual job itself. I dont know if 'jumping around yelling banana' is a great way to describe teaching kids but yes it requires some patience and enthusiasm in order to do something rewarding and helpful. I've developed some wonderful relationships with cute kids too and still have parents who are thrilled and get called 'uncle' by some of the superstars.

But when I've worked in training centers I often get some amazing classes full of enthusiastic young people (and older ones) with some very interesting discussions, cultural exchange, sometimes just plain fun, other times rewarding when you a student catches fire and you see their English just rocket over a course of a few months. We had some of the funniest and most fascinating groups! And I didn't mind it when many times it was me and a dozen pretty young women.

Oh, to be clear the administration, the scams, the users, the incompetence, the headaches of working for assholes or dummies and again the money lost to 'creative accounting' or just outright withheld money (stealing) is pretty bad yes.

But as a job (or a vacation paying hobby?) it can be great. Better than sitting at home writing fake books sneering about how you were once let go for failing to say 'Banana' loudly enough or clear enough. ;)

Messages In This Thread
Re SCAM WARNING: EASYTALK aka ETI in Nanning BRUTAL CHEATERS! -- Laughing -- 2015-11-07
Re SCAM WARNING: EASYTALK aka ETI in Nanning BRUTAL CHEATERS! -- HerpityDerp -- 2015-11-07
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