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The Truth - 2015-04-30
In response to Re Let's stay on the point (Obie1)

Yongji does seem to be taking your hits at the moment.

No, the events are occurring in the Yuncheng county/city/area, and friends confirm identical PSB behaviours in Xi'an, Sha'anxi.

The teacher who was told to hide their possessions? Xiaxian.

The teacher who has no contract? Yuncheng.

The teacher who works two schools and spends 90 minutes a day on the bus? Yuncheng and Linyi.

The local veteran teacher whose passport has been sitting on a desk for 4+ months? Hejin.

The teachers who were told to get out, we do not need foreign teachers any longer? Ruicheng in 2013. Xinjiang in 2014.
Xinjiang is the name of a small city in the north of Yuncheng County, west of Houma.

These issues are regional with confirmation of the same PSB tactics in Xi'an. Two provinces are treating foreign teachers in this fashion, and these behaviours are not limited to only teachers working through Yuncheng English Village.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Yuncheng EV Teacher -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- foxy -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- anti-trolls -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- San Migs -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Moses -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- telling the truth -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-18
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-18
A Link you should read before teaching in China -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-16
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-16
Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2015-04-25
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-28
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-29
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- A discerning Dissector -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- EVAVENGER -- 2015-06-09
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- kitchener -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-29
Re: Let's stay on the point -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-15
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