View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Suzhou: Sunflower English Education Centre -AVOID IT, -- RISE / Edoor check them out
Mean_Business - 2014-05-02

Overall conclusion:
Sunflower English Education Centre-. -AVOID IT-
RISE / Edoor / EF=worth a closer look.

What a great website. I have been in China for a few years. I have had some of the best and worst experiences here. I wish I would have had access to people’s opinions like this before. I'd have chosen the right schools first off and well avoided the wasted time and scams I’ve experienced since being here. Moving to another country is an extraordinary experience and it can be very scary so I thought I would give you a snap shot of my own knowledge of training schools within Suzhou.

I would say when selecting a school you should consider what you want first. Think about how much you’re prepared to work for. Some schools offer complicated packages like free insurance, flights accommodation etc. most benefits are usually based on you completing a year contract. Take all the facts into consideration before you select the job. For example all schools legally have to give you FREE insurance. Cost the job out appropriately.

Ok well here are a few pointers remember they are just as I personally see it things here in Suzhou. EF are a franchise. They seem to be a really mixed bag here in China. There are some truly awful managed EF schools in some areas of China. However here they seem ok. SND School and the SIP School seem a safe bet. I advise you that you should also do some research on the franchises you are actually interested in working for.

Hong N, Westbourne seen not to bad. But you must stay on the right side of the management. I know lots of people that have happily worked in these two places for years.

One to avoid for sure is Sunflower English education as it seems to have the worst reputation here for working for. Although perhaps only for the past 2 + years. Teachers here seem very unhappy and fed up. I continue to hear most horror stories emanating from people working at this company. I've heard they take money off of employees in the form of fines,pay cuts, constant surveillance programmes and people being cheated out of the money owed at contract end amongst a few in recent memory.
Shane is ok too but again my feeling with this company it is not so secure in a busy market place. If a company goes bust you lose your salary!

My own personal recommendation though would be RISE or E-door for happiness factor. They seem to have a nice package and people are very positive about these companies.
Good Luck!!!

Messages In This Thread
Suzhou: Sunflower English Education Centre -AVOID IT, -- RISE / Edoor check them out -- Mean_Business -- 2014-05-02
Re Suzhou: Sunflower English Education Centre -AVOID IT, -- RISE / Edoor check them out -- chinaexpat -- 2015-09-14
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