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giver or taker? - 2014-02-27
In response to Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? (Truthseeker)

Yep, not all FT's are rich, but why would anyone want to come to China and basically rely on scraps thrown to them by the Chinese? It's like a dog having to beg for food, and I don't like this because it helps weaken the position of all teachers in China, including the ones with money. There are older and richer FT's who just work two or three days a week to give themselves something to do. And then maybe there are the teachers who are in the middle, in their late twenties early thirties ,not rich, not poor, but want to work at least five days a week.

Teachers who do summer camps ( often on the cheap ) are traitors to other foreign teachers, as it reinforces the false and racist Chinese superiority complex: that because we are white, "rich" and "priveliged" they deserve to pay us as little as possible.

It is why I also detest Western people who teach English in Asia for free. They are a disgrace.

Messages In This Thread
BEWARE-American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Tom -- 2012-02-20
Re BEWARE-American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Crush -- 2015-04-27
Re BEWARE-American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Good -- 2016-12-18
Re: BEWARE-American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Idaho Mike -- 2012-03-18
Re: BEWARE-American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Mike -- 2012-04-03
DONT WORK AT American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- S. Fries -- 2012-04-15
Re: DONT WORK AT American Village Nacel ESL summer camps -- Mike -- 2012-04-27
Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- Ben -- 2014-02-24
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-24
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- Ben -- 2014-02-25
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- giver or taker? -- 2014-02-27
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-27
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- Truthseeker -- 2014-02-27
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-27
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- giver or taker? -- 2014-02-27
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-03-01
Re: Wait, are we talking about the same camp? -- Jimbo Slice -- 2015-01-01
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