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Richard - 2005-11-07

Two ex-teachers left my company with an unpleasant experience. Both of they quit before they finished the contract with us. They quit because they didnt like the job we offered to them. They quit because they didnt like the apartment we offered to them, which is totally fine with us. They left, they walked out the contract. Fine! We respect their decision.

However, I think it is not ethical that they are continuously writing malediction against my company on this website, especially the sensitive money issue. First of all, we did not owe Susan Fox any penny. In fact, my colleague Sally Wu did mail a cash order to her as our promise before Susan Fox left Taiwan. We still keep this money order receipt to prove that ESL4Asia would never owe our employees money. All teachers who finished their contract with us received their trust fund plus bonus. We can provide evidence for this.

Second, the other teacher Patricia, we did not know who she is. On our employee record, we never have this employee. We also never hire a teacher named Robert Jenkins. If one person unpleasant ex-employee keeps using pseudonym to attack ESL4Asia, well, what can I say? (No mention why that person keeps using Sallys name to post the same message over and over again. Her intention is obvious. She wants to hurt the reputation ESL4Asis. How unlucky to hire a person like this woman!)

Most teachers we hired actually finished their contracts with us. These two employees who did not finish their contracts with us accused many teachers left my company??? This is not true. This is so funny to me. In fact, three teachers they knew whom we hired approximately the same time we hired the other teacher (who call herself Patricia), are still working with my company. Patricia said she doubt if any of them will fight with ESL4Asia because of their job security. Well, here is the fact. If they are afraid of their job security, they do not need to work for us anymore after they finished their contracts with us.They could just go out and find another school in Taiwan to work for. Why are they still working with us after one years contract? If my company is so bad like what Patricia and Susan Fox described on this website, can these two ex-employees explain why those teachers are still working with my company?

I am writing to Patricia and Susan Fox. Stop hurting my company. You chose to leave ESL4Asia. We respect your choice. Other teachers are having a good time with us. You cant deny this fact. In addition, Sally is working on her PhD degree with the emphasis on teacher education in the US now. She is not in charged of teacher recruitment now. She has been devoting her effort to English education for Chinese people. I cant understand why her eloquence in English becomes such a threat to you? I have no intention to fight with you two. You quit. It is understandable that people quit when they dont like their job. I wish you a bright future. Move on and pursuit what you like to work for. Please stop posting the same malediction over and over again.

For anyone who has questions about what I said, please feel free to contact me. I am the owner of ESL4Asia. I am a real person. I can provide my teachers e mails for you as reference. I can have teachers who are working with ESL4Asia now to provide their positive working experience with us.

Messages In This Thread
Writing to protect the reputation of ESL4Asia - ESL school review -- Richard -- 2005-11-07
Re Writing to protect the reputation of ESL4Asia - ESL school review -- Liz Powell -- 2015-09-02
Re Writing to protect the reputation of ESL4Asia - ESL school review -- Guest -- 2011-03-13
Re: Writing to protect the reputation of ESL4Asia - ESL school review -- xxxx -- 2008-11-11
Re: Writing to protect the reputation of ESL4Asia - ESL school review -- Former Teacher of Esl4asia -- 2016-04-28
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