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Pinkie Plumblossom - 2011-05-07

Just letting job seekers know that KISQ in Qingdao, China is now on my blacklist. It started out fine, but then gradually got worse, especially when we were getting our pay a month late. We DID get all of our pay, but it was quite late, and we western teachers only got it when we did because we threatened to conduct a sit-in if we didn't.

The owner, Mr. Lee, claims that the school is low on money, which could be true, but why is it low on money? It's a private school supported by a high tuition fee. Oh, yeah, maybe it's because of the other school he's investing in using the school's tuition money that should be going to pay teachers and support the students.

Recently, the principal (Korean), vice-principal (American) and other key personnel quit because of the worsening conditions - lies, cheating, dishonesty. In the past each department (ele, ms and hs) had a western and Korean director. They would help teachers and students with whatever problems arose or manage activities, disburse information, give ideas, etc. This year there is only Mr. Lee and another Korean woman running the whole show. It's not a good atmosphere. They don't want anyone else's opinion about how to conduct business or manage activities. It's purely their way or their way. Most western teachers try to ignore them because we don't usually agree with their illogical and ill-informed decisions.

This year, also, there are 4 new teachers for middle/high school. They are quite unhappy. When they applied for the job, they were told there were plenty of resources and materials for them to teach from. In actuality, the speech and government teacher found out that there were no materials at all, not even a basic textbook. They had to find materials on their own. This is because the Korean director doesn't have a clue about the western side, so they just say anything to get teachers to come there.

Mr. Lee also told two of the teachers to come as quickly as they could. They were told to get tourist visas, and then later, the school would pay for them to get work visas and residence permits. What Mr. Lee DIDN'T tell them was that they needed to go to Hong Kong to convert their tourist visa into a work visa, but the school wasn't liable for the cost of transportation or lodging for them. That's quite a large sum of money. Mr. Lee also argued that the contract, which these two teachers have refused to sign, states that the school will pay for visas while the teachers are in China. Hong Kong isn't China, so he doesn't have to pay for them. WHAT?????

Mr. Lee finally relented and merely extended their tourist visas, which makes them illegally working in China.

So, if you want a lot of trouble and confusion in your life, then come to KISQ and try teaching here. It'll be an experience you'll never forget.

Messages In This Thread
Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Pinkie Plumblossom -- 2011-05-07
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Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Martial Arts King -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Ammmuzed -- 2017-02-01
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-02-01
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Arthur -- 2017-02-01
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Fifi -- 2017-02-01
Kimchinglish -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Joker -- 2017-01-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Ammmuzed -- 2017-02-01
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Simon -- 2017-01-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- [poster] -- 2017-01-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- AvidBoxerRebel -- 2017-01-24
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- [poster2] -- 2017-01-25
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- AvidBoxerRebel -- 2017-01-26
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- MDJ -- 2017-02-02
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-26
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Arthur -- 2017-01-26
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Zaowch -- 2017-01-26
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Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Nothing -- 2017-01-19
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Arthur -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Mars -- 2017-01-19
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Arthur -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Motorbike -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- me myself and I -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Bagster -- 2017-01-20
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- LOL -- 2017-01-19
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- LOL -- 2017-01-19
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Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-19
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Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-19
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Fifi -- 2017-01-19
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Disappointed Teacher -- 2016-09-16
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- lots of laughs -- 2017-01-18
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Great singer -- 2017-01-19
Re: Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- LOL -- 2017-01-19
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Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Dawn -- 2016-09-20
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Bubba -- 2015-06-19
Re: Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Nothing But The Truth -- 2013-11-29
Re: Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Bubba -- 2015-06-19
Re: Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Trusted -- 2016-03-12
Re: Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Pinkie Plumblossom -- 2011-08-12
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Raven's Roost -- 2011-05-10
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Cut and Paste -- 2011-05-11
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-08
Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao -- Bavarya -- 2011-05-07
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