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aster - 2009-11-04

Dear Monitor,
When you say the facts according to me, you must be sure to take a balanced look. You also need to say the facts according to John. Because what he writes is only his opinion. It is not fact. It is the way he sees it and if he had a bad experience maybe its because he just wasn't a good teacher. You make the assumption that he is.

Just because John says he is a "teacher" doesn't mean he is a real teacher. As many of us know many foreign "teachers" travel to "exotic" places in search of adventure and love or to try to set up their own businesses. They simply need a legal work permit to remain in the country. They show "proof" of their teaching experience and that is very hard to even check, especially when their experience is in China. These "teachers" don't intend to really teach. Their intention is stay in the country legally to do whatever they really came to do. Many of those kinds of "teachers" visit your "respected" website. John is one of those "teachers". He is not a qualified teacher but he presents himself as a qualified educator and he writes like he is some kind of an expert. He is just like many others who travel to countries to pretend to be real teachers by getting a quick TEFL certificate. They become angry when a school fires them because the school recognized that they are not real teachers. In talking with many parents and teachers at Andinet, I learned that John was not only fired from Andinet but he was also fired from another school in Ethiopia. After he was fired two times, I see that he has returned to my country again. So what did he really come to Ethiopia to do? I don't think it is for teaching.

So just because these people say they are teachers or as you say they are budding teachers, we should believe them? You do not even know me. You do not even know what kind of education I have before you began to make assumptions about me and how I understand free speech. Do you think whatever these "teachers" say is the truth? Why do you defend him? Why didn't you say the truth "according to John?" Is what he writes more true that what I write? Or is your website only for people who agree with those who write to complain about their experiences? If you're not a good teacher what do expect? How long do you think you can pretend?

Everyone should have to consider the source of whatever is written and make our own choices about what to believe. That is free speech. Including what I write. I do not need you to question me. If care anything about education, question John.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- aster -- 2009-11-02
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Teacher31 -- 2012-04-02
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Afflatus -- 2016-05-05
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Phoebe -- 2012-07-01
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Teacher31 -- 2015-02-19
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Afflatus -- 2016-05-05
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- your conscious -- 2010-02-06
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- XXX -- 2010-04-09
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- john -- 2010-08-03
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Monitor -- 2009-11-03
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- aster -- 2009-11-04
Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Monitor -- 2009-11-05
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