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Motivation Tips

How To Stay Sunny When The Sun Isn't Shining

As the seasons change from summer to autumn, there's an attitude change in the air, too. Some of it is good stuff, as we get re-focused on our goals and on wrapping up this year with success on our terms. But sometimes fall comes with that same sad squawking sound that the geese make--the feeling like something is ending rather than beginning.

As my friend Renee suggested, wouldn't it be great to keep that summer optimism going all year long? That sounds like a perfect idea to me. So not so fast, summer. I'm not quite ready to leave your enthusiastic, upbeat attitudes and replace them with chillier, more low-key thoughts. In fact, I've decided not to leave them at all and will instead focus on staying sunny, no matter what the weather --and the world--will bring.

You, too, can still stay sunny in mind, body, and spirit even though the weather--and attitudes of those around you--might not follow suit. Here are a few easy things to try right now.

Get into the Light. Those suffering from seasonal affective disorder know firsthand that the amount of light in your life makes a difference. In fact, many sufferers swear that using light boxes and other light therapy techniques dramatically changes their mood.

But light can come from more than just a power source. Who around you provides "the light" you need? Are you spending too much time with colleagues and friends who hang out in "the dark?"
If you're not sure who the light sources are in your office or community, notice who other people turn to. Just like flowers, we humans typically turn and face the light. Choose to spend more time with those people, and let them shine on you.

Smile More. When I give workshops around marketing yourself and communicating your value, I'll often remind people of a simple but often overlooked tool in their arsenal--their smile.

It's actually scientifically proven that smiling boosts our immune system and lowers our blood pressure. The mere act of smiling tricks the body into feeling better. Plus, smiling people appear more confident, more approachable, and attract other people more easily.

As someone once said, "Your smile is a powerful weapon--you can even break ice with it." Your best beachfront smile has a place in the October office, so use it!

Find Your Fun. Part of our summer optimism often happens because we knew somewhere along the way, fun would result. But after Labor Day hits, our mind starts watching that long stretch of work time before Thanksgiving. Who says fun needs to be reserved for vacation? Fall provides a lot of opportunities to find your fun--even if apple picking and college football is not your thing.

What would be fun for you right now? I say go do it! If you need a push, see my recent blog post on signing your own permission slip!

Take a Leap. Want more summerlike adventure? Maybe it's time to take a leap toward something that's been calling you.

When we make a physical leap, our bodies first clench up in preparation, gathering energy for the move. And then, POW!--our muscles release and propel us both up and forward.

A mental leap is very similar. Your brain's been gathering energy all summer, and now it's time to release those muscles to push yourself ahead.

What's the next leap you need to make? It could be as big as starting a new career--or as simple as not volunteering this year for the committee whose meetings bore you. There's nothing better at getting the blood moving like taking a big leap. You'll really feel alive--and isn't that what that summertime optimism is really all about?

Darcy Eikenberg is an accomplished coach, consultant and business leader, with experience motivating individual and team behavior to achieve business results. Her focus is coaching and mentoring aspiring individuals and professionals/teams needing guidance and support. Before founding Coach Darcy LLC, Darcy was Principal, Internal Coach, and Senior Communication Consultant at Hewitt Associates. Darcy is VP, Marketing for the Georgia Coach Association and a graduate of Northwestern University - http://www.coachdarcy.com/.

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