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Motivation Tips

The Secret To Success? Repetition 10x
By:Cheryl Janecky

Olympic stars practice - and live - their Dream 24/7. All sports stars got to where they are with simple repetition of their skills until they developed the habit of winning - Big Time. Repetition and practice got you through school, for some the military, and for some enough practice launched hugely successful careers.

Imagine how many times Babe Ruth swung that bat and threw that ball - before he joined a league.

What do kids hate the most? Practice.

What does everyone resist? Repetition.

"Training and managing your
own mind is the most important
skill you could ever own,
in terms of both happiness
and success."
T. Harv Eker

Why do some stick it out where most give up?
Passion. About the only thing that assures you will do the training necessary is your passion for your goal. If you don't love it. Forget it. For Heifetz, music is life. He lives music. John Travolta lives performing - he IS a star.

You may not have the passion or desire to achieve on the world stage. Thousands love playing the violin and performing in community theatre. Success is doing what you love in your own way. Success can not depend on winning a gold medal or performing in Carnegie Hall. Nice if it happens, but most don't get there - yet live full, rich successful lives. How? They love what they do.

Why waste the time only to discover you are on the wrong path? Find what you love first. Then make a plan to become an expert doing it.

"You are a living magnet.
What you attract into your life is
in harmony with your dominant thoughts."

Brian Tracy

Changing your life.
It's one thing to learn tennis or a new computer program - and quite another to change your mind and change your life. Activities are training "outside of yourself" and changing your mind is "upfront and very personal." Taking tennis or computer lessons is a plan. Changing your diet is a plan. Changing your Attitude requires a plan too.

Changing your mind.
Changing "who you are" feels uneasy and uncomfortable. All of your unconscious genetic program is about survival skills, ideas and lifestyles learned over many generations. Changing feels fearful at times - because in past generations changing was often life-threatening. It isn't now. The fears and anxiety are not about now. They are only old habits of thought that are limiting you. They are habits: Easy to change with repetition. Yup. Repetition is the solution to change.

Success means living your Dream.

The only motivator is your really wanting a better richer happier life - or living in Good Fortune. Only your desire keeps you focused on your goal. When you don't have what you want - it is more difficult to remember it. Repetition will soon make your goal "top of mind" and that makes it easier to attract what you want. Your attracting power is your feelings and love for your Vision. Karma or the Law of Attraction is the underlying force that draws to you what you desire.

"Don't judge each day
by the harvest you reap,
but by the seeds you plant"
Robert Louis Stevenson

Success feels great.
The more often you love your life now, and feel successful now, the more quickly you attract success. There's no "action" you can take that will over-ride your feeling sad, depressed, frustrated or angry at not getting what you want. What you feel is what you get. Love it - attract it. Hate it - attract it. Like attracts like.

Develop the talent of honestly Appreciating where you are.
To attract the opportunities you want demands that you expect, and are looking for them. Your inspiration is your guide and you can't even hear your own intuition when you are unhappy.

How do you do expect good things when you feel anxious or frustrated? You can't.

Follow a simple plan to change your mind and change your life.
You can change those feelings and choose to feel better. A plan only works if you are honest and have fun with it. It's all about feeling. The better you feel, the better it gets.

"None of us knows what
the next change is going to be,
what unexpected opportunity
is just around the corner,
waiting to change all the
tenor of our lives."
Kathleen Norris

The Power of 10x.
Get started now. Relax and begin today looking for what you want to find. When you do you are in the habit of looking for what you want, right? That's the point.

The plan is simple. Make a list every day of TEN things you are grateful for.

**As you wake up: Spend a minute feeling grateful for the day to come.

**At noon take a few minutes and write down at least 5 things you enjoyed so far.

**Take a break after dinner and review your list -- find "10 real experiences" you had today that were really, really good - and fun.

TEST: Do you feel better? If not, work on your list again. Finish the day feeling you love your life and each of the 10 experiences - for the day.

**At bedtime recall your favorite thoughts for the day. Appreciate the experiences and things that match your Vision. Enjoy that you ARE LIVING IT NOW...and that it's getting better and better. Feel it and know it.

**If it's not "true" for you - then know that tomorrow you can find more that IS TRUE. Practice and repeat -- in a very short time you'll notice the difference.

No faking it: You feel it and believe it -- OR NOT.

Change the "glass ceiling" limiting your potential. No one and nothing is in your way. You can do this - and it's a fast, fun way to feel successful, attract success and live in Good Fortune.

As you love where you are and where you are going, you relax into many new choices. Some may seem extravagant and some may have been long-time problems (health or losing extra pounds or easy abundance.)

Loving your Vision frees you and opens up your life to new possibilities. Appreciation for all you have and experience guarantees more to appreciate is on the way - every day.

Success is fun and feels wonderful.
Most discover a "turning point" about day three - with 30 things to love and appreciate. See what happens for you. You'll be surprised at the results.

You are adding a new habit of believing in change and of feeling your unlimited potential. Only you can do that for yourself and only internally through changing your feelings or attitudes. There's no outside success that will last without the inner changes. Still resisting repetition? Get over it. Your success and life's dream depends on your showing up

Your Good Fortune: If dreams were for sale, which ones would you buy? Name it and it's yours.

Cheryl Janecky is the expert on attracting Good Fortune. Get the facts + FREE "21 Insights Home Study course. PLUS more tips to Find Inspiration- Find Good Fortune From THE new sciences and ancient wisdom: get the FREE facts to live your Dream at Quick Good Fortune: www.quick-good-fortune.com/Change-Your-Mind-Change-Your-Life.html. Copyright 1974-2009 © The Good Fortune Company LLC - All Rights reserved

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