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Foreign Movie Review Form - ESL Teacher Robin Day Lesson
By:Robin Day B.Sc. M.Sc. B.Ed. <cowboy4444@hotmail.com>

Here is a movie review form I used to hand out in Korean university classes. Students like to watch and review movies. It makes a good homework assignment. Ask the student to review a foreign film. Lazy student will want to review a film from their own language. Student must sign up initially and state the film they will review. This prevents copying, another problem with lazy students.

I gave this task to several classes and and found that most students did not understand the term subtitles but they do understand text or subtext as these words are used to send text messages on their mobile phones (cell or handphones). So, the word subtitles needs to be explained in class before you send them off to do the review. Other students mistakenly wrote down the present year and not the year the movie was released. Occasionally a movie is filmed in more than one language and in more than one country. Explain this too. Generally the homework was well done but many students cheat by downloading a copy of an English language review they find on the net. Explain at the outset they must use their own writing.

Foreign Movie Review


Date Movie Released

Length of Film (hours)

Director's Name

Movie Filmed in what County(s)?

Main Actors


Subtitles or Subtext?

What is the main theme and story? (use back of page for extra writing space)

What is the secondary theme?

Is this comedy, tragedy, dramatic, history, fiction, doccumentary, animation?

Tell about the camera work.

What things did you enjoy most?

What did you dislike?

Why would you recommend this film to a friend?

How would you rate it? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Did you enjoy this homework?

Print your name

Student number

Professor's name
Copyright 2005 Robin Tim Day

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