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How to Learn German Vocabulary
By:Erik Steel

Building a strong German vocabulary base can offer new language learners a gateway into full language study, as vocabulary acquired can be integrated into the grammar of the language later. For our purposes, German vocabulary is the form of words you can look up in the dictionary; these are the words you'll use, in combination with other parts of speech, to make phrases and sentences as your learning process continues.

Label items in your house with the German equivalents. You might start in the kitchen and label your dishes and food items. Common items include: die Schüssel/die Schüsseln (bowl/bowls), der Teller/die Teller (plate/plates), die Gabel/die Gabeln (fork/forks), das Messer/die Messer (knife/knives), der Löffel, die Löffel (spoon/spoons), die Tasse/die Tassen (cup/cups), der Küchenschrank/die Küchenschränke (cupboard/cupboards), der Külschrank/die Külschränke (refrigerator/refrigerators), das Waschbecken/die Waschbecken (sink/sinks), der Ofen/die --fen (oven/ovens), das Bord/die Borde (shelf/shelves). Educators at Dartmouth College suggest learning nouns along with their definite article, so you remember the gender, as well as the plural form.

Continue through your home, labeling items with their German equivalents, all of which you should be able to find in your German dictionary. Repeated exposure to these labeled objects should help you remember German vocabulary items.

Make German vocabulary lists for topics you are interested in using your German dictionary. This might include gardening and the outdoors, space, words relating to your job, games, and travel. You can also use premade vocabulary lists: see Resources below.

Use a German traveler's book to learn vocabulary and simple phrases in context. These books provide pronunciation guides and all the most essential vocabulary without laboring too much on fine grammar points.

Involve your friends and others in your learning process. You might ask guests to pass you das Salz (the salt) or die Bücher (the books) to stimulate your use of active vocabulary. You could also seek out a tutor, as she could teach you vocabulary items you're interested in as well as giving you the chance to practice aloud on a regular basis.

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